As many universities & college programs end, foreign applicants may consider post-graduation options, including applying for PGWP, i.e., a post-graduation work permit. 

Let us discuss in detail about the post-graduation work permit application process so that you can better understand the intricacies of the program & the associated policies & rules. 

PGWP helps gain Canadian Work Experience

A significant benefit of post-graduation work permit is that it helps foreign applicants to gain professional work experience in Canada. This experience is integral when PFWP holders apply for Canadian immigration

Primarily, Canada’s immigration paths often reward candidates who have either studied or worked in Canada. Generally, a PGWP holder will need one year of professional work experience in NOC, i.e., National Occupation Classification code of 0, A, & B, to be eligible for the permanent residency program. 

Full-Time Student Status Required For PGWP 

In order to become a full-time student, you must have full-time student status in every academic session of the study program. It is further included as a part of the post-graduation work permit application. 

Canada has waived this requirement during the pandemic for some students. However, exemptions might apply to those who have already started the program between spring 2020 & summer 2022.


Other eligibility criteria for post-graduation work permit include the following:

  • Completed studies in an eight-month-long program at an eligible DLI list. 
  • Study program whose end result is obtaining a certificate, degree, or diploma. 
  • Obtains an official letter from DLI along with the transcript confirming that the applicant has met all the requirements. 
  • Graduation done from a public post-secondary or private post-secondary institution under the exact rule as public schools in Quebec. 


You Cannot Renew PGWP 

Although you cannot renew their post-graduation work permit, you might be able to extend it. But it will be limited in duration by the passport expiration date. The validity period of your PGWP might also not go beyond your passport’s validity date. In such a situation, you must apply for a post-graduation work permit extension after your passport renewal to receive complete validity of PGWP.

On the contrary, if you choose to go back to school after submitting an application for PGWP, you further cannot obtain a new PGWP for other study programs. Moreover, any time period of the study while working will not be counted in Canadian work experience. 


Extend Your PGWP Before It Expires

If your PGWP expires, you can look into different kinds of work permits, like open or employer-specific ones. If you meet this work permit’s requirements and apply for it before the PGWP expires, you may maintain your status and continue working in Canada. 


Maintained Status Offers Legal Status 

Under IRPA, i.e., Immigration and Refugee Act Protection Act, all international applicants authorized to enter Canada have temporary resident status. 

However, the temporary resident might apply to extend their authorized stay period before it ends. If you have done this, then there will be an extension by law in your period of authorized stay. Moreover, you will have legal status as a temporary resident during this processing period. 


PGWP Applicants Can Work Full-Time 

Suppose you are a graduate applying for a PGWP before the expiration of the study permit. In that case, you are eligible to work full-time even without a work permit while waiting for a decision to arrive on your application if any of the following apply: 

  • You were or still are a valid study permit holder
  • You have completed your study program
  • You did not exceed the allowable working hours
  • You met all the requirements of working off-campus without the work permit


You can still remain eligible to work full-time without the work permit while waiting for a decision to arrive on your application after leaving or re-entering Canada. However, you must stop working immediately if IRCC notifies you that your work permit has been refused.


Study Permits Become Invalid After 90 Days After Study Program Ends

Study permit turns invalid 90 days after the end of the study program. Moreover, you should submit an application for a PGWP within 180 days of obtaining the evidence that you have fulfilled all the prerequisites for study program completion. The days will begin when you are notified of your final marks. You might also receive a written notice regarding your program completion.


If your study permit becomes invalid/ expires before you apply for a PGWP, you cannot work without a permit and must: 

  • Leave Canada and apply for PGWP overseas
  • Apply to restore your student status by applying for a PGWP with the correct fees, thus paying it! 


Expired study permit? You Can Still Apply For A PGWP

In any case, if your study permit becomes invalid or expires due to some reason before you can even apply for a PGWP, there are some alternatives to note. The first option is to leave Canada & apply for a PGWP overseas. 

Moreover, you can also apply ‘outside’ Canada while remaining physically in the country. Thus, if you wish to stay in Canada, you must maintain your visitor status until you get an actual work permit. 


Ignoring The 120 Validity Days Notice on PGWP Application 

Once you submit the PGWP application, you will obtain an auto-generated letter from IRCC. This letter will grant a 120-day validity period to continue working. 

These 120 days are based on the theoretical work permit processing time for in-Canada applications. Historically, IRCC met its standards of service more than 90% of the time, and most must receive a decision on their application before these days expire.  If 120 days have passed & no decision has been rendered, you can request authorization proof to work using the IRCC web form. 

The letter’s validity date does not override the authority that allows international applicants who meet the requirements to continue working until any decision arrives on the work permit application. 


Spouses & Partners Of PGWP Holders Are Eligible For A Work Permit 

Common-law partners and spouses of PGWP holders can apply for a work permit under the exemption of C41. 


For a spouse to be eligible under C41, the PGWP holder must: 

  • Be sanctioned to work in Canada for at least six months after receiving the spouse’s open work permit application.
  • Be physically residing in Canada while employed.
  • Getting into a high-skill occupation.