Canada has passed a new law focusing on the significance of the French language in Canada, thus promoting Francophone immigration & minorities outside Quebec.  Bill C-13 introduces immigration into the OLA, i.e., Official Language Act. The OLA is the federal statute that made French & English the official languages of Canada. In addition, the new law modernizes the Official Languages Act to recognize that French, the official language of Canada, is being threatened. Therefore, it must be protected. 

Moreover, it is divided into three parts. The first/ initial part creates amendments to the Official Languages Act. In addition, the second part regulates the use of French in federally regulated private organizations/ businesses. Furthermore, the third part outlines the legislation’s legal applications. 

The new law introduces immigration in the Official Languages Act for the first time. It identifies the significance of promoting francophone immigration to francophone minority communities outside Quebec.  

In addition, immigration-related measures include some legislative changes. Expressively, IRCC must adopt a francophone immigration policy with objectives, indicators, & targets. Moreover, the recognition of immigration is seen as one factor contributing to maintaining/ increasing the demographic weight of francophone minority communities. 

The law also offers individuals working in federally regulated private businesses in Quebec the ability to work in French & even be served in French. Further, the law emphasizes that every judge is appointed to Canada’s supreme court & is bilingual to improve access to justice. 

The Liberal Government believes the new law will help increase education, childcare, healthcare, etc., services in French. As a result, this will promote francophone immigration in places lacking bilingual workers. 


Promoting Francophone Immigration: IRCC’s Commitment 

Francophone minority communities are witnessing a decline in their demographic weight. The recent Census of 2021 reveals that the overall proportion of Francophones outside Quebec increased from 3.6% to 3.3%. 

IRCC recognizes this decline & has a long-standing commitment to promoting francophone immigration outside Quebec, thus ensuring easy access to French settlement services. 

In the year 2019, IRCC launched the Francophone Immigration Strategy to reinforce efforts along the immigration journey. This strategy began with the promotion & attraction of IRCC missions internationally & selection and integration in Canada. 

In addition, IRCC claims they are on track to meet their target of welcoming over 4.4% of French-speaking admissions by 2023. 

Some critical initiatives under this strategy include: 

  • Allocation of extra points to French-speaking & bilingual applicants under Express Entry. 
  • Temporary dedicated streams for bilingual and French-speaking applicants as a part of their temporary to permanent accommodation pathway.
  • Extended/ expanded funding over 80 francophone service providers to deliver settlement services to French-speaking newcomers outside Quebec. 


Finally, IRCC is presently working on the development of a policy on promoting francophone immigration. This includes a new & consequential admission objective for francophone immigration outside Quebec.