Workplace diversity implies the acceptance & inclusion of employees of all backgrounds. An eclectic workplace is an essential asset since it recognises the strengths of every employee/ worker & the contribution they make in the workplace. 

So, valuing the differences of others is what ultimately brings all the employees together. Well, that can be the secret to a successful, thriving workplace & a fair work culture. 

Today, we will discuss workplace diversity & how it can benefit your business. 

Okay then, let’s get started! 


What Is Workplace Diversity? 

Workplace diversity implies respecting & valuing the skills as well as differences that each employee brings into the workplace. A diverse workplace is a kind of inclusive environment that offers equal rights & opportunities to all workers, irrespective of color, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and so on!

Interestingly, in many nations, workplace laws offer equal opportunity to their employees, thus creating an environment free from harassment/ discrimination. Leaders/ managers are accountable for taking measures in the workplace to confound employment disadvantages, discrimination, or harassment. 

This consists of appreciating workplace diversity, thus ensuring that the work environment is disencumbered from racial/ sexual prejudice, bullying, etc. 


Types Of Workplace Diversity 

It’s vital to recognize that there are different kinds of workplace diversity. However, you must also ensure that you contribute towards a more inclusive and diverse workplace as an employer or an employee. 

In addition, employing people & treating them fairly is one of the ways employers can create a more diverse workplace, thus diversifying the skill sets!

Below are the four types of diversity that every leader and employee must know of! 


  • Internal Diversity 

Internal diversity is related to the situations a person is born into. In addition, these are the things that a person didn’t choose for themselves & are impossible for anyone to change. 

Internal diversity includes: 

  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • National Origin 
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Assigned Sex
  • Physical Abilities 
  • Mental Abilities 
  • Gender Identity 


  • External Diversity 

External diversity is used for describing things/ characteristics that are associated with an individual. However, unlike internal diversity, these are the characteristics one is not born with. 

While others can incredibly influence external diversity, they ultimately are the aspects that a person can change! 

Some of the examples include:  

  • Personal Interests
  • Family Status
  • Location
  • Citizenship
  • Appearance
  • Education
  • Relationship Status
  • Life Experiences 


  • Organizational Diversity 

Also known as functional diversity, this workplace diversity type relates to the difference between people assigned to them by a company/ organization. In addition, these are the characteristics within the workplace that distinguish one employee from the other. 

Irrespective of your organizational position, any work you do might help administrative procedures as a whole. For instance, whether you work for a public, non-profit, or private organization, you become a part of an organized group. This could be as small as a group of two or as high as an entire organization!  

However, there are different subsets in organizational diversity, like: 

  • Job Function
  • Employment Status
  • Place Of Work
  • Management Status
  • Seniority
  • Union Affiliation 


  • Worldview Diversity 

The final kind of diversity is worldview diversity. Even though there are a multitude of factors that come together to form our worldview, every individual has their own worldview that they align with! 

Worldview diversity is a sort of diversity that changes with time, i.e., we conceptualize the world differently due to our experiences! 

Some of the example include: 

  • Political Beliefs 
  • Outlook On Life
  • Moral Compass
  • Epistemology 


Why Workplace Diversity Is Good For Business

Workplace diversity is thriving more than ever! That being said, every business is looking to adapt to diverse teams today since it has many incredible benefits. 

Here are some of them! 


  • Better Results 

Since workplace diversity includes diverse employees, they are bound to have different perspectives. It is a booster point when it comes to making crucial decisions, like planning, implementing, or managing a business plan! 


  • Unique Viewpoints 

The innumerable differences of individuals in a team come from varied experiences & life histories. Their viewpoints are pretty unique & this difference is what makes the team diversified. 

Thus, a diverse team/ group is like a brewing cup of new ideas, creativity, thoughts, etc., resulting in favorable business outcomes. 


  • New & Better Innovations 

In today’s competitive industrial markets, a business needs consistent innovation. In such a situation, a diverse workplace offers creative & innovative ideas. 

However, this diversity comes from combining different perspectives & ideas, thus leading to new and better innovations. 


  1. Creative Solutions 

Cognitively similar people lack problem-solving skills as compared to diverse teams/ groups of people. Thus, if you want your company to thrive, a diverse group can contribute a lot of creative solutions at the right time, thus improving the company’s processes. 


  • Increased Profits 

Workplace diversity brings varied interests, arguments, opinions, perspectives, work performances, etc. As a result, this leads to companies making informed decisions, thus having better & increased profits.


  • Increased Employee Engagement 

When different types of people come together, each one of them gets an equal chance to grow more from what they see or like from other people. 

Thus, employees perform better when they feel they can mingle, be entertained, and are acknowledged for their work. As a result, this leads to an increased employee engagement rate! 



Achieving workplace diversity means that you are bringing out the best in your employees, thus helping them reach their full potential. Doing so benefits your workplace as you encourage a diverse & innovative talent pool! 

So, now that you know how and why workplace diversity benefits businesses, look out for some strategies to improve your work environment, which will lead to favorable outcomes.