As an immigration applicant within the Express Entry, knowing the impact on the CRS score is integral due to numerous factors. 

The NOC 2021 code, which corresponds with the applicant’s work experience, will not impact their CRS score unless they have arranged employment waiting for them when they come to Canada. 

However, NOC codes are still an integral aspect of Express Entry, specifically in the context of category-based draws & PNPs. 

Read on to learn more about how Express Entry functions, impact on the CRS score, & how your NOC code can increase your chances of successful immigration to Canada

Background Information On CRS Scores 

The federal government uses CRS scores to rank applicants who apply to any of the country’s three Express Entry managed programs, i.e., FSTP, FSWP, & CEC, against each other before issuing a round of invitations. 

Note: CRS scores are a determining factor in the context of standard Express Entry draws, which rank applicants based on these scores & issue ITAs for PR in Canada to those with a CRS score above the cut-off score of the specific draw. This is not the case for category-based Express Entry draws. 

What Are NOC Codes?

Canada’s NOC system is how the federal government in this nation classifies, describes, differentiates, & outlines jobs as per their ‘main duties, educational requirements, & other useful information’. 

Every profession classified under this system has a unique number or categorization purposes. This number is the profession’s NOC code & a five-digit number represents it.

NOC Codes & Standard Express Entry Draws

Related to the standard Express Entry draws, an applicant’s NOC might make them eligible for additional CRS points, thus improving their chances of obtaining an ITA for PR. 

Specifically, in the CRS Additional Points section, the government highlights that Express Entry applicants can obtain another 50 or 200 additional points for ‘arranged employment’, which can have a positive impact on the CRS score. 

In addition, under this category, Express Entry applicants with arranged employment in a profession which falls under the Major Group 00 of NOC 2021 will obtain 200 extra points towards their CRS score. Meanwhile, applicants with a qualifying job offer in any other profession under NOC TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3 will obtain 50 additional CRS points. 

In either circumstance, the extra CRS points, which are attainable depending upon the applicant’s NOC, can make a major difference in their ability to succeed with immigration to Canada via the standard Express Entry draws.

Furthermore, the NOC’s Major Group 00 is an occupational group designated particularly for professions classified as ‘Senior Management’ positions. These include legislators, senior government managers/ officials, & senior managers in several industries, like finance, communications, construction, transportation, broadcasting, etc. 

NOC Codes & Category-Based Express Entry Draws 

Regarding the impact on CRS score, the category-based draws enable the government to prioritize immigration applicants with recent & relevant work experience in specific in-demand industries. Bringing applicants to Canada with work experience in specific professions will help the nation address some of the nation’s most potent labor market gaps. 

In addition, the five categories that the nation has selected are healthcare, STEM professions, transport, trades, & agriculture or agri-food. 

Moreover, NOC code factors into category-based draws because every eligible profession under each of the five in-demand categories has its own separate NOC. Thus, immigration applicants with recent work experience in a profession which falls under a specific NOC code might be eligible for Canada immigration via category-based draws along with the standard Express Entry eligibility. 

Below is a list of examples of professions eligible under each Express Entry category for 2023. 

  • Healthcare: Dentists (NOC – 31110) & Massage Therapists (NOC – 32201) 
  • STEM: Architects (NOC – 21200) & Engineering Managers (NOC – 20010) 
  • Transport: Transport Truck Drivers (NOC – 73300)
  • Trades: Residential & Commercial Installers & Servicers (NOC – 73200)
  • Agriculture/ Agri-Food: Butchers – Retail & Wholesale (NOC – 63201)

NOC Codes & PNPs 

The value of immigration applicant’s NOC as it relates to their work experience lies in the fact that different provinces have different labor market gaps that they need to address via the PNP. 

In simpler terms, if an applicant’s work experience falls under a specific NOC, they might make themselves more desirable to a province/ territory looking for skilled workers with specific employment history & skillset. 

Background On Canada’s PNP 

PNPs are operated in all Canadian provinces as well as territories except Nunavut & Quebec

Moreover, the provincial/ territorial programs are designed to help specific regions across Canada bring in foreign nationals who they feel will help the region address economic & local labor market challenges.

Note: PNP is the most significant immigration stream among all economic-class immigration programs nationwide.  

In simpler terms, PNP enables the local government in every participating province/ territory to select specific immigration applicants & offer them Canada PR in their region. Well, this maneuver is targeted at selecting immigrants who are capable of addressing the labor gaps. 

Within each Provincial Nominee Program, every territory & province operates several individual streams catering to international applicants with professional backgrounds. 

For instance, the following three provinces include streams for professionals in numerous professions. 

  • Alberta: Farm Workers 
  • Ontario: Transport Truck Drivers, Nurse Aides, Construction Trades Laborers & Helpers
  • British Columbia: Physicians, Nurses, & Psychiatric Nurses