Canada has announced a new humanitarian pathway for three nations, i.e., Columbia, Haiti, & Venezuela. This pathway will provide an alternative to irregular migration by welcoming 15,000 people in addition to the existing programs. 

Marc Miller announced that the dedicated humanitarian pathway for three nations would offer permanent residence to Colombian, Haitian, & Venezuelan foreign nationals. The pathway is now open for applications. 

The immigration minister said that offering safe, legal pathways for displaced people to begin new lives in Canada not only delivers on that commitment but also strengthens the nation via the profound contributions immigrants make to the communities. 

In order to qualify for the new humanitarian pathway, the applicant should be a child, grandchild, spouse, parent, grandparent, or sibling of a permanent inhabitant or Canadian citizen who agrees to support them & their family members as an anchor for a year. 

Moreover, to apply, you must submit your application using the online portal of IRCC. You will also need to offer a signed statutory declaration from the anchor confirming that they are willing to support you. Furthermore, you must also plan to live outside the province of Quebec in order to be eligible to apply. 

Lastly, applicants coming to Canada via the new humanitarian pathway for three nations will obtain pre-arrival services, including employment skills assessment & a referral to settlement service provider organization in the community. They might also be eligible for transitional financial assistance from the Resettlement Assistance Program. 

How Canada Is Welcoming People From The Americas? 

Canada is already bringing an additional 4,000 people through Canada’s existing temporary worker programs. Moreover, the nation is leveraging the existing refugee labor mobility pathway, i.e., the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot. 

These measures are meant to alleviate migration pressures in the Western Hemisphere. The new humanitarian pathway for three nations offers an alternative to irregular migration for displaced people because of political, social, & economic instability. 

Along with this new pathway, Canada is increasing its assistance for capacity-building efforts in the region by investing over $75 million over six years for projects across the Caribbean & Latin America. These projects will strengthen asylum capacity in local communities & labor markets.