IRCC & Canadian government announced their immigration strategy – An Immigration System For Canada’s Future. Well, here’s decoding Canada’s Digital Platform Modernization. 

In order to complete global talent & be modern & proficient, IRCC plans to launch a new operating platform called Digital Marketing Modernization (DPM). 

Well, this Digital Marketing Modernization will maximize efficiency & allow IRCC to meet the unprecedented demand levels of work, study, visit & residence in Canada. In addition, it will also bring new capabilities, like an online single window for immigration programs, digital self-service, enhanced automation, etc. 

The strategy states that DPM will transform the way IRCC does business by speeding up processing & improving the program’s integrity while making the journey more effortless, clear, & human-focused. 

How Will DPM Be Implemented? 

As decoding Canada’s Digital Platform Modernization takes place, the platform will be a multi-year & multi-phase initiative. Since DPM will deliver a new operating model for redesigning & optimizing business processes, it will take a few years to be fully implemented. 

Well, the DPM will eventually replace IRCC’s IT platform, i.e., GCMS. GCMS is the present electronic data management used to process applications overseas & in the nation. 

There will be three consecutive & overlapping phases:

  • Phase 1 is designed to avoid risks & stabilize GCMS, with a focus on reducing the technical debt which has been accumulated over the years in the system.     
  • Phase 2 continues to standardize IT operations & reduce technical debt to prepare the department for digital transformation. 
  • Phase 3 transforms the way IRCC works & delivers services to its clients & Canadians worldwide via the delivery of new digital platforms. 

The third phase of DPM is really complex. According to IRCC, DPM will be nimble, responsive, & flexible enough to support growing volumes, helping IRCC to: 

  • Reduce application processing time
  • Improve tools for officers
  • Meet the immigration & diversity priorities of the government
  • Respond to changing needs & expectations of clients as the nation seeks to out-compete other nations for talent

DPM As A Part Of IRCC’s Aim 

While deciding Canada’s Digital Marketing Modernization, it is vital to note that the DPM initiative is one of the many actions IRCC is taking to provide efficacious & timely experience for newcomers in Canada.       

As part of this effort, IRCC’s strategy has outlined the actions it is going to take. These include: 

  • Reducing wait times & improving service standards. 
  • Help remove barriers to welcoming in people that the nation requires for the future. 
  • Strengthening partnerships with employers & institutions that rely on immigration.
  • Improve communications & ensure a human-centric approach.
  • Make applications more user-friendly by utilizing virtual & digital technologies.  
  • Continue to advance reconciliation as the nation welcomes newcomers. 


In order to reduce wait times & backlogs, IRCC has made numerous investments to boost operational processing capacity & address backlogs, including technological improvements & hiring around 1200 officers during 2022-23. Moreover, IRCC plans to embrace digital tools that enable it to process requests from different parts of the world effectively & align application intake with available admission spaces to prevent year-long waiting times.  

In order to protect workers as well as students, IRCC will launch an LOA verification & implement the Recognized Institutions Framework to promote the integrity of international student programs & avoid fraud. IRCC has also launched the Recognized Employer Pilot, which offers benefits to repeat employers who meet compliance standards in professions with labor shortages. 

Furthermore, IRCC also plans to create an advisory body which has lived experience in immigration to guide policy development & service delivery in order to ensure a more human-centric approach. 

Lastly, IRCC will launch a new Citizenship guide, which will reflect the history of systematic racism & discrimination faced by Indigenous people to continue to advance reconciliation as IRCC welcomes immigrants to the nation.