While sophisticated engineering is evident, the advancement of scientific discovery has expanded the knowledge base & accelerated the innovation rate for engineers. From large-scale infrastructure to a miniscule computer chip, one cannot ignore the design work of engineers. Many Canadians are unaware that there are top engineering companies in Canada itself. And today, we will discuss the same. 

So, let us begin!

What Goes On In An Engineering Consulting Firm? 

Engineering consulting firms advise individuals on a broad array of projects like buildings & complexes, roads & bridges, dams & waterways, computer systems, etc. The list is endless. The specialties in this profession are also innumerable. However, here are a few of them: 

  • Agriculture Engineering: It includes irrigation systems, outbuilding functions, animal waste management plans, etc. 
  • Environmental Engineering: It includes designing systems to purify wastewater, reduce soil erosion, & prevent contaminant runoff. 
  • Geotechnical Engineering: It includes designing foundations & other building structures to conform to soil & bedrock. 
  • Chemical Engineering: It includes designing production systems that employ chemical reactions in manufacturing. 
  • Civil Engineering: It includes designing public infrastructure components like bridges, railroads, airports, sanitary systems, etc. 

Electrical engineers focus on systems that generate & direct power, while mechanical engineers design machines that utilize power. Meanwhile, structure engineers work with architects & others to ensure that building designs meet safety & integrity standards. 

Top Engineering Companies In Canada 

Excellence is hard to hide. Among the large list of engineering companies, some simply rise above others. From the knowledge & experience of their staff to the value they offer to their clients, the top engineering companies in Canada mentioned below deliver superior results on each & every work in Canada.  

Let us discuss them in detail. 

  • MNA Quality Consulting 

MNA Quality Consulting is one of the top engineering companies in Canada. The company serves clients in the cities of Alberta, along with locations in Saskatchewan & British Columbia. 

Its staff of professionals is trained in numerous engineering disciplines, having successfully completed around 400 projects at a rate of over 30 per month. 

Emphasizing on mechanical, structural, electrical, & fire protection engineering, the company boasts of projects in industrial facilities, prisons, hospitals, residential communities, etc. 

MNA offers innovative solutions to engineering problems & does so at affordable rates for businesses. Focusing on quality outcomes/ results for clients, the company is considered one of Alberta’s best engineering consulting firms. 

  • Arup 

Arup has served the metropolises of Montreal & Toronto for three decades. Its professional scope is broad, having participated in the construction of national athletic arenas & the design of autonomous vehicles. 

In addition, Arup delivers value to every project yet charges reasonably for the services. Capitalizing on its high-tech capacity, the company creates a ‘digital twin’ of the projects it completes, i.e., it makes a virtual representation of the real thing, testing & experimenting with it before developing the real thing. With a staff of nearly 16,000, the company possesses the personal strength to initiate & follow through promptly & efficiently without delay.

  • BBA 

BBA is another one of the top engineering companies in Canada. It is a 42-year-old company located in Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, & nine more cities in Canada. BBA has around 1,000 employees working to offer the clients the best experience possible. 

In addition, the company embraces some specific fields as the nucleus of its work. Their industrial efforts cover structures, security, cyber-security, ventilation, etc. Moreover, BBA practices economic geology, asset management, & project execution. With significant experience in mineral processing & mining engineering, the company is one of the consulting firms to offer expertise in the design & management of data centers. 

  • GCM Consultants 

GCM Consultants began their business in 1994 & since then, have earned a reputation as leaders in sustainable development, energy production systems, metallurgy, etc. With a presence in Montreal, Calgary, & several more selected locations throughout Canada, the company has capital projects as high in value as over $200 million to its credit. 

Three words encapsulate the company’s motto, i.e., authenticity, simplicity, & efficiency. To that end, GCM functions across the spectrum of engineering specialties & devotes considerable time, personnel, & resources to sustainable development, industrial air circulation, safety improvement, & technological designs, among other specialties. Moreover, this firm is engaged in biotechnology & agriculture, forestry paper, pharmaceutical production systems, & pulp harvesting. 

  • GHD Group

The history of the GHD Group extends back nearly a century & to the other side of the world in Melbourne & Australia. With Canadian operations centered in Ottawa, the company offers plenty of services to clients that are both advisory & hands-on collaborative. The strengths include building design, digital system planning, environmental engineering, hydro-power, clean water management, etc. 

Another unique feature of this company is that it is owned by its employees. In addition, this company makes a priority of sustainable energy for the future, thus ensuring clean & healthy aquifers along with other groundwater channels. In addition, the company is committed to & successful at helping various businesses adapt to a digital future while imposing impenetrable cyber-security.       

  • MCW Group 

MCW group is a 58-year-old company which has earned its fair share of awards. The most recent award was from the American Council Of Engineering Companies. In addition, the company supervises 11 other offices in cities such as Saint John, Ottawa, Winnipeg, & Vancouver. 

The three major focus areas are building designs, conservation, & energy use, along with power grid development & management. Within each of these categories fall multiple specialties like overhead power & drainage systems, power surge prevention, management of medical gas systems, & lighting control systems. 

The company’s work is found in university buildings, government facilities, hospitals, public parks, & corporate office complexes, including General Motors Canada.   


These Canadian engineering companies represent the best in innovation, practical solutions, & original thinking in the engineering profession. Though they differ in size & specialties, they stand out above their peers & deliver high value with every project. 

If you wish to know more about these top engineering firms, you can log on to their website. Thus, these companies ensure the best experiences for their clients in Canada.