Nearly all of Canada’s immigrants could conduct a conversation in English & French. Here’s why fewer French speakers in Canada may help immigration. 

However, there’s more to the story. Though most immigrants can conduct a conversation in English/ French, English is favored among immigrants/ newcomers in Canada. 

A new study conducted by Statistics Canada revealed that though the proportion of immigrants who can interact in French has increased in Quebec, the number of immigrants able to do so outside the Francophone province has decreased. 

In Quebec, the number of people able to converse in French only, or along with English, has more than doubled in 60 years – from 38.4% of the provincial population in 1951 to 80.5% in 2021. 

On the contrary, outside of Quebec, in 2021, only one in 20 emigrants could interact in French along with English. This figure represents a decline among this group from 2001 when 6.6% of immigrants outside of Quebec were able to converse in French only or English and French. 

Simultaneously, the proportion of immigrants who could converse in just English or English/ French remained stable between 2001 and 2021. Finally, the number of immigrants outside of Quebec in 2021 who had French as their first official language was only 102,000 – less than 1% of the population outside of Quebec. 

These statistics indicate that while the proportion of English speakers has remained strong outside of Quebec, the number of French speakers in the same areas is declining & in the minority.

Why Might This Matter To Immigration Applicants? 

In addition to why fewer French speakers in Canada may help immigration, it is vital to note that Canada’s government has a mandate to promote & protect the status of both official languages. 

Moreover, the government must ensure respect for the languages & enable the development of both these languages in Canada – including advancing the quality of their status in official Canadian institutions & society. This includes supporting the development of minority linguistic communities where relevant. 

The obligation largely falls onto IRCC. As part of its mandate to facilitate the French language outside of Quebec, IRCC has concocted a specific immigration category for French speakers within its Express Entry managed programs, i.e., CEC, FSTP, & FSWP. 

In fact, as of the time of writing, this is the only Express Entry category that will grow over the years. In 2023, the government’s target for Francophone immigration outside of Quebec was 4.4% of all new immigrants. IRCC has additionally stated that its targets for Francophone immigration outside of Quebec are 6% in 2024, 7% in 2025, and 8% in 2026.

How To Learn French Quickly & Qualify For IRCC’s French-Speaking Category

In order to qualify for IRCC’s French category, newcomers will need to score a level 7 on NCLC in reading, writing, listening, & speaking. To prove this ability, newcomers will need to take either TEF or TCF, IRCC’s two approved French tests for Canadian immigration. 

Below are several methods that newcomers can use to learn French. 

  • Immersion 

Immersion is one of the most popular strategies for learning a new language fast. The idea is that when an individual puts themselves in an environment where they must learn a language to function in their day-to-day life, they are much more likely to learn that language quickly. 

In today’s media age, it is likely to create this kind of immersion even at home. For instance, consuming TV shows, movies, & other media materials in a target language can quickly lead to language learning. 

  • Using Flashcards & Spaced Learning 

Just like immersion techniques, flashcards are widely recognized as a good language learning tool because they promote ‘active recall’, which can help move memories from short-term to long-term within the brain. 

However, according to the theories of permanent Psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, the optimum way to use these flashcards is through a system of spacing out learning over time. The research demonstrated that people tend to learn much better when learning is spaced out versus when it is crammed into a single period. 

  • Studying Historical Linguistics 

A new study conducted at the University of British Columbia suggests that learning words with common roots in a person’s first language & the language they are learning might be a way to fast-track vocabulary learning. This is good news for native & fluent English speakers, who will be able to find many commonalities with French. 

For instance, the English term ‘advice’ comes from the French word ‘avis,’ meaning opinion, idea, view, or judgment. Similarly, the word ‘beige’ in English is said to come from the French word ‘beige’, which implies the natural color of wool & cotton, not dyed. Newcomers might, therefore, find utility in understanding these common roots when learning French vocabulary.