Newcomers move to Canada from different parts of the world, i.e., from tropical & temperate nations. Here’s all about how to live a healthy life in Canada. 

Canada is often regarded as a cold country. However, depending on where you live, you could enjoy four seasons during a year, i.e., summer, winter, spring, & fall. 

During the initial months in Canada, adjusting to local weather conditions, figuring out food, medications, & wellness might seem challenging & confusing. This is why here’s a guide on how to live a healthy life in Canada. 

So, without further ado, let us begin! 

How To Live A Healthy Life In Canada 

Let’s start with the basics! Below are some tips that might help you in living a healthy life. 

  • Health Insurance & Family Doctor 

Canada has a universal healthcare system. The government uses a portion of residents’ taxes to administer health services. This enables eligible applicants to obtain basic health & medical assistance for free or at a fraction of the cost. 

Healthcare in Canada is administered at the provincial level & each province operates differently. For instance, permanent residents in provinces like Ontario/ British Columbia have to wait for up to three months from the time they land until they are eligible to obtain health benefits. On the other hand, provinces like Alberta do not have a waiting period & PRs are covered from the day they land. 

So, to live a healthy life in Canada, one needs a health insurance card. Apply to the provincial government to get your card. You need to show this card whenever you visit the hospital or doctor. The application processes might be modified to comply with pandemic safety precautions. Thus, it is advisable to check the instructions online before visiting the place. Once the application is verified, the health card is mailed to the residence.  

  • Maintaining Physical & Mental Fitness 

A sedentary lifestyle, specifically during recent times when most of us are working from home, can result in weight gain & can trigger or even worsen illnesses like diabetes & high BP. 

Physical activity is vital for physical & mental health. Well, you don’t have to get a gym membership or enroll your kids in numerous classes. Simply moving around & reducing the time spent sitting should work well. So, get outside, enjoy the weather, spend some time in nature, & walk all year round. Walking is the best exercise & you can progress as your health permits. 

  • Coping With Stress 

In order to live a healthy life in Canada, it is vital to cope with stress. 

Well, starting over in a new nation can seem to be daunting & exhausting. Moreover, searching for a job or an apartment can also take a toll on your health, thus making you stressed & overwhelmed. Therefore, being proactive about mental health is important. If you are concerned about severe mental health issues, like anxiety, depression, etc., it’s best to see a family doctor & get appropriate health.  

Stress & anxiety can often make it hard to focus on the right food choices, sleep, exercise, etc. Therefore, it’s best to cope with stress by finding your community or creating one. The community can be your faith-based community or your local community. 

  • Eat Healthy & Nutritious Food 

Eating fruits & vegetables is comparably easier in summers as compared to winters. 

Try to limit packaged & processed foods while going grocery shopping. Instead, try some home-cooked meals, which are more nutritious & healthier. Moreover, vitamin-C-rich fruits & vegetables can help boost your immune system & help you stay healthy. 

Moving to Canada doesn’t mean you have to change the way you eat. It also doesn’t mean the standard diet here is healthier – there are other reasons why people here live long & healthy lives. 

  • Taking Nutritional Supplements 

Canada is located in the northern hemisphere. As a result, during winter, sunlight is limited, which translates to a limited source of Vitamin D. Thus, it becomes vital to rely on Vitamin D supplements in order to meet the daily requirement dose. For this, you can consult your doctor or a pharmacist for the dosage. 

Coughs, colds, & viral infections are more common in cold weather & it is important to get the daily dose of vitamins & minerals. Along with the supplements, it is best to have a good diet. For instance, you can eat a minimum of five servings of vegetables, three servings of fruit, & one serving of berries daily. Moreover, it is also best to include greens in your daily diet. As a result, you will get most of the vitamins & minerals you require. 

  • Adjusting To Seasonal Changes 

In order to live a healthy life in Canada, it is best to adjust to seasonal changes. 

The onset of winter also marks the beginning of the flu season. A few proactive measures like getting flu shots, eating a balanced diet, exercising, & wearing appropriate winter wear can help one stay fit. 

In addition, cold weather makes the air dry, which can sometimes lead to minor nosebleeds. Therefore, having a humidifier at home will help maintain healthy humidity levels indoors & prevent nosebleeds & static shocks. 

Also, avoid stepping out in winter without proper winter wear, as it can lead to hypothermia & frostbite. 


The start of the journey can seem to be a bit daunting & sometimes lonely and overwhelming. Therefore, it is best to take one step at a time to live a healthy life in Canada. 

When things get tough, keep yourself positive & focus on the five pillars of well-being, i.e., social connections, good health, stress management, staying active, & quality sleep. Thus, staying healthy both physically & mentally is key to having an amazing start to your life in Canada.