Destination Canada hosts a digital job fair for bilingual applicants. On November 13, 14, and 15, IRCC, in partnership with Destination Canada will hold a virtual job fair for tourism, hospitality, and culinary opportunities across Canada (not including Quebec). Registration will commence on September 23, 2024, and it will close on October 27, 2024.

Attending the job fair will give job searchers the chance to communicate virtually with possible Canadian employers. They will also have the opportunity to apply for several of the roles that will be discussed during the event.

Destination Canada’s Digital Job Fair

From 3 to 8 p.m. Central European Time (CET), the event will take place. It is an invitation-only event, but participation is free. Invitations will be mailed to registered participants beginning on November 4. Jobseekers must register in advance and submit a bilingual CV (in both French and English) structured in accordance with Canadian guidelines in order to participate.

In order to be eligible, candidates need to:

  • Speak French or speak two languages.
  • Seek employment prospects outside of Quebec.
  • Possess prior expertise in the travel, hospitality, or food industries.
  • Send in their resume using the necessary languages and formats.
  • During the designated registration period, register for the event.

Prospective employees will get the opportunity to interact with members of the French-speaking communities in Canada that are not located in Quebec. These representatives will discuss specialized immigration programs, services for newcomers, and information about their respective locations. In addition, they will discuss issues of daily living in French-speaking communities in Canada outside of Quebec.

A special facilitated work visa under the federal Mobilité francophone stream may be available to individuals who get a job offer and are currently in Canada on a work or study permit.

Presentations on the travel, hospitality, and food industries will be included in the event, along with details on working and relocating to Canada, both temporarily and permanently.

The language of the presentations will be French, and both French and English will be used for the Q&A sessions.

In the days preceding the event, registered participants will get a list of exhibitors, including employers. Throughout the event, job seekers can also browse the virtual booths of exhibitors to view available positions.

The increasing significance of Francophone immigration to Canada

Canada has taken a number of actions this year to emphasize the value of multilingual and Francophone immigration outside of Quebec.

Among these actions are:

  • Pledging to raise the aim of Francophone immigration outside of Quebec, from 6% this year to 7% in 2025 and 8% in 2026.
  • Launching a new immigration pilot program and providing francophone students who want to study and remain in Quebec and other Francophone minority areas in Canada with a clear route to permanent residency (PR).
  • Adding 14 localities outside of Quebec to the list of eligible communities for the Francophone localities Initiative (FCI). The FCI works with local communities to promote Francophone immigrants’ adjustment to life in Canada, with the goal of easing their settlement and integration.