Compared to 2023, there have been substantial modifications made to the Express Entry system in 2024. Notable revisions include Immigration Minister Marc Miller’s announcement of enhanced “domestic draws” for Express Entry hopefuls, as well as regular modifications to the proof of money requirements. Significant increases in CRS scores, as well as a one-month break in Express Entry draws, have also occurred this year. For a comparative look at Express Entry draws in 2024 and 2023, read on to discover more about these critical changes.

What is the difference between the ITAs sent out in the first half of 2023 and the first six months of 2024? What information does this offer for how Express Entry will operate in the remaining months of the year?

ITAs Issued in the First Six Months of 2023 – A Statistical Overview 

IRCC held 13 Express Entry lotteries in the first half of 2023. An impressive 49,948 ITAs were sent to immigration aspirants throughout the course of these draws.

The types of draws conducted in 2023 included:

Furthermore, the IRCC used the label “No Program Specified” in 2023 to denote a generic draw.

ITAs Issued in the First Six Months of 2024 – An Overview of Express Entry Draws 

During the first half of 2024, the IRCC conducted 19 rounds of Express Entry draws. These rounds resulted in the issuance of 41,855 ITAs to prospective immigrants.

Each of these draws was unique and catered to a particular type of candidates:

  • General Draws: These draws were open to candidates from all backgrounds, without any specific occupational or linguistic requirements.
  • French Language Proficiency Draws: Targeted candidates proficient in the French language, aimed at promoting bilingualism within the Canadian immigration landscape.
  • Healthcare Occupations Draws: Focused on candidates with expertise in healthcare fields. It acknowledging the importance of this sector in Canada’s demographic and economic landscape.
  • Agriculture and Agri-food Occupations Draws: Geared towards individuals with experience or qualifications in agricultural and agri-food industries. It recognized the significance of these sectors in Canada’s economy and food security.
  • Transport Occupations Draws: Centered on candidates with backgrounds in transportation-related fields, acknowledging the essential role of transportation in facilitating trade and connectivity across the country.
  • STEM Occupations Draws: Directed towards candidates with qualifications in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines, reflecting Canada’s emphasis on innovation and technological advancement.
  • Provincial Nominee Program Draws: Specifically aimed at candidates nominated by Canadian provinces under the PNP, allowing provinces to address their specific labor market needs and demographic goals.
  • Canadian Experience Class Draws: Tailored for candidates with prior work experience in Canada, providing an opportunity for individuals who have already contributed to the Canadian economy and society to obtain permanent residence status.

In 2024, the Express Entry system introduced new draw categories. These categories prioritize candidates based on their alignment with one of the six predetermined categories. This policy change shifts the focus of candidate selection for permanent residence in Canada away from CRS scores. Instead, candidates are invited based on specified criteria aligned with the new draw categories.

A Comparative Analysis of ITAs and Express Entry Draws 

There have been some noticeable changes between the two years. In 2023, there were 13 draws in the first half of the year, compared to 19 draws in 2024 during the same period. It’s interesting to note that, with 48,948 ITAs issued in 2023 compared to 41,855 in 2024, the number of ITAs issued in 2023 exceeded those in the first half of 2024.

The increase in the quantity and variety of draw formats is probably a result of Canada implementing category-based selection draws, which were started in the later part of 2023. The cut-off scores and sizes of general drawings are predicted to be impacted by these new draw types. Their influence lies in shaping the eligibility and selection criteria, thereby impacting the composition of the Express Entry pool. This dynamic underscores the significant role these categories play in candidate selection.

If general draws are the only thing considered for the two years, then it is clear that in the first half of 2023:

  • There were 8 general draws held.
  • The average number of ITAs issued per general draw was 5475.
  • The average cut-off score for general draws stood at 489.

Notable changes have been observed in the measures in the corresponding half of 2024 as compared to 2023:

  • The frequency of general draws increased slightly to 9.
  • However, the average number of ITAs issued per general draw decreased significantly to 1605.
  • The average cut-off score for general draws rose to 536.

In the first half of 2024, there were theoretically more draws made, but the average size of each draw decreased. As a result, compared to the same period in 2023, there was a cumulative decrease of more than 7,000 invites sent out between January and June of 2024.

Furthermore, excluding category-based selection draws, the average CRS score cut-off for general draws in 2024 rose by over 50 points compared to the average in 2023. This notable increase underscores the impact of the policy change on candidate selection dynamics.

Projecting the Functionality of Express Entry for the Rest of 2024 

There will be a significant disparity for Express Entry in 2024—7,000 fewer ITAs will be granted than in the first half of 2023. This assumes special significance in light of the immigration levels plan that the IRCC published a year ago. Express Entry, classified as “Federal High-Skilled,” has been allotted 110,770 spots for 2024 under this scheme. This represents a significant increase of about 30,000 seats over the 82,800 allotted in 2023. The targets mentioned focus on immigration landings, which signify the official granting of new permanent resident status in Canada. This distinction emphasizes that the targets relate to actual arrivals rather than the initial issuance of ITAs.

IRCC’s 2024 Express Entry Strategy

Taking into account processing and travel times. It is likely that IRCC expects newcomers to arrive in Canada in the year after the issuing of their ITA. In 2024, ITAs issued in late 2023 are expected to result in landings, aiding in achieving the IRCC’s immigration levels goal for the year. This process contributes significantly to meeting the specified objectives outlined by the IRCC.

This process is expected to aid in meeting the specified objectives for immigration landings outlined by the IRCC.

The IRCC has set a six-month service standard that it will follow while processing all applications for Express Entry.

A few conclusions can be drawn from the plan. To reach the levels plan target in 2023, the IRCC issued 110,226 ITAs using the Express Entry mechanism. In order to meet their enhanced immigration targets, it is possible that the immigration department may pursue more ITAs given the larger allocation in the levels plan for 2024 (and in 2025). Express Entry may hold more frequent draws or larger draw sizes for the remainder of 2024 as a result of the discovery that the IRCC has awarded 7,000 fewer ITAs this year than in 2023. But this is only one possible situation.

ITAs are crucial for this data, yet it remains uncertain how many the IRCC will issue in the coming months.