As Canadian universities are picked, international students consult with trusted evaluators to choose the best schools. 

One of the trusted evaluators is QS, which is often viewed as a global leader in analyzing Canadian universities worldwide. 

Well, QS was the first global & regional university rankings organization to be IREG-approved. The IREG is an international institution and non-profit organization of ranking organizations, universities, & other bodies interested in rankings of Canadian universities.  

This blog will focus on the standing of three Canadian universities, i.e., McGill University, University of British Columbia, & University Of Toronto. 

Outcomes Of QS World University Rankings Result 2024 

In the recently published World University Rankings, QS recognized three Canadian universities as being the best in the world. Notably, QS has ranked one university in BC, Ontario, & Quebec as the most popular immigrant destinations. 

Note: the rankings include over 1400 educational institutions worldwide, with the highest score awarded being 100. 

University Of Toronto (Score: 86.3)

The University of Toronto is Canada’s highest-ranking educational institution, which obtained high scores for academic reputation & employer reputation. For both of them, the University of Toronto has three campuses in Ontario & is regarded as one of the top post-secondary institutions in the world. 

Interestingly, the university has been ranked the highest by QS since 2015 for: 

  • Academic reputation
  • Faculty ratio
  • Student ratio 
  • Citations 
  • Employer reputation
  • International faculty ratio 

McGill University (Score: 83.7) 

This year, McGill University was ranked 31st on the World University Rankings. 

In addition, for the next year, the university is given high scores for academic reputation & employer reputation. Well, there are two campuses in Quebec which have now ranked in the top 35 universities in the world since 2012 for: 

  • Academic reputation
  • Faculty ratio
  • Student ratio
  • Citations per faculty
  • Employer reputation
  • International faculty ratio
  • Student ratio 

University Of British Columbia (Score: 81.5) 

UBC has always been offered high scores for academic reputation, international faculty ratio, & employer reputation. Moreover, UBC has two campuses in the province, i.e., one in Vancouver & another in Kelowna. 

Until this year, the university has been in 43rd position for: 

  • Academic reputation
  • Faculty ratio
  • Student ratio
  • Citations per faculty
  • Employer reputation
  • International faculty ratio
  • Student ratio 

QS World University Rankings: An Overview 

QS world university rankings are based on a five-factor methodology given below. Take a look!

  • Academic Reputation

It is obtained by surveying individuals who teach as well as research in higher education. 

  • Faculty Or Student Ratio 

It includes student-to-faculty ratios & small class sizes, which are rewarded because a customized & collaborative learning environment is often beneficial. 

  • Citations 

These are the number of papers produced by a specific institution’s faculty members cited by various publications. Well, it is considered as a measure of the university’s reliability concerning academic writings. 

  • Employer Reputation

It includes employers around the globe. These employers are asked to name over ten national & around 30 international universities they believe will produce employable graduates. 

  • International Faculty Or Student Ratio 

The ratio of international faculty members to domestic members & foreign students to domestic students is over 5%.