Canada is known for its quality when it comes to schooling systems & education. Regarding education in Canada for children, it is best to research before coming to determine which school would suit your child. 

Education in Canada for children is managed at a provincial level. Even within a province, education can vary between types of schools & school districts. 

However, this guide answers some questions regarding education in Canada for children.


What Kind Of Schools Does Canada Have? 

Canada has public schools in every province & territory. All children get a free public education, implying there isn’t any fee to enroll your child in a public school. Public schools tend to serve a specific area in the neighborhood. Thus, where the child studies primarily depends upon where you live. 

On the contrary, private & independent schools also exist in the country. However, these institutions charge fees to attend. Some schools provide scholarships for students with academic, athletic, or artistic abilities. 

Moreover, some private schools are day schools while others are boarding schools, meaning students will live on campus. 

Canada also has French immersion schools (public schools) that teach non-native French speakers in French. In addition, the students are expected to become fluent over time. Thus, French immersion is an excellent way for a child to become bilingual.

Furthermore, Catholic, Jewish, & other religious schools integrate religious education as a primary subject in their curriculum. They could have specific admission requirements & can be public/ private depending upon the province/ area you are in. 


In Which Months Does School Take Place Every Year In Canada? 

Elementary & secondary education schools in Canada begin in late August or early September. Well, the year usually ends in June. Moreover, July & August are summer vacations & most public schools have time off over the holiday season, along with a week in March. 

The typical school day in Canada begins between 8-9 am & lasts till 3-4 pm. 


What Subjects Will The Child Learn In School? 

Canadian provinces set the curriculum for schools. Thus, the subjects might differ among provinces. However, in terms of education in Canada for children, they will learn a wide range of subjects, like math, science, arts, social studies, English, French, etc. 

As your child grows through the education system, they will have more opportunities to select the classes they wish to take depending upon their interests & what they excel at. 


How To Register A Child For School? 

To register your child for a public school, you must contact a local school district office/ school board to find out the process. It is prominent to note that you must contact the school board as early as possible because there might be limited spaces available & you might need to find another option for your child! 

Moreover, you must contact the school directly if you want your child to get registered for a private school. 

However, if the child is being enrolled for the first time, the school board would want to have your child after giving an assessment to understand their potential academically. Moreover, it can allow the school to determine if your child would benefit from any additional resources that the school might offer. 


What Supplies Should I Get For My Child? 

Usually, the school will give you the list of supplies you need. Sometimes the school will provide certain supplies, others you’ll have to buy on your own. 

In addition to classroom supplies, like notebooks, pencils, etc., some other things include: 

  • Clothing 
  • Athletic Clothes 
  • Backpack
  • Laptops/ Tablets


How Will My Child Get To School? 

Canadian School Boards manage bus routes that will bring your child back from school. The bus routes will depend upon where you reside. However, you can take the child to school yourself as well.  

Depending upon your child’s age, they can go to school on their own by walking, driving, taking public transportation, biking, etc. 


What Will The Child Eat At School? Do I Need To Give Lunch? 

Students will have their lunch during the day at school, but breakfast and dinner will be at home. Each school has different lunch options. For instance, some public schools have a cafeteria where lunch is available for purchase. In contrast, some private schools include lunches in the school fees themselves. 

Some students can even bring their own lunches, but you must ensure they are allowed at school. Some schools will make certain exceptions for students who have severe allergies or some food restrictions.