An EV battery plant was developed in Windsor, which is considered to boost employment opportunities for immigrants in the green tech industry. The plant is considered to employ over 2,500 people. 

Coinciding with Canada’s noted commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by the year 2050, the developments of this battery plant & related hiring indicate the fact that green tech is an endeavor of significance to the government as well as its citizens. 

In fact, it was also reported that the government is proposing to invest significantly in national clean energy & cleantech sectors. Moreover, apart from the $21 billion in new funding for a next-generation economy, Canada’s 2023 Budget includes tax credits. Well, this totalled $55 billion & is designed to attract added investment in crucial sectors like these. Simultaneously, there have been numerous employment opportunities for immigrants in the green tech industry from coast to coast. 

Below is a recap of some of the reported employment efforts made nationwide to bolster the green tech industry. 

British Columbia 

In Western Canada, the PacfiCan made a crucial investment towards the CleanTech industry in British Columbia. PAcifiCan declared a $5.2 million round of funding along with the $2.3 million from the province. 

As per the press release, this investment will aid the province in its target of accelerating the development as well as the adoption of clean technologies. In addition, it will also open up new markets & attract world-class talent to the province. Well, this funding is expected to help grow the province’s cleantech sector by creating 240 fresh jobs & attracting over $280 million in investment. 

Further, greenhouse gas emissions are also expected to decline by 125 kilotonnes. 


A report from CEC, i.e., Clean Energy Canada, states that jobs in the clean energy sector will experience a growth rate of 10% yearly until net-zero 2050. Interestingly, this will be the fastest growth projection of any single territory/ province in the nation. Between 2025 & 2050, CEC adds that Alberta would see an additional 419,000 clean energy jobs.


The Minister of Innovation, Science, & Industry declared an $8.5 million investment via SDTC into VueReal. Alongside this investment, another acquisition was made by the Ontario government of $2 million through Invest Ontario. 

VueReal is a technology firm based in Waterloo which develops & commercializes platforms & enables scalable & efficient production as well as integration of micro & nano-devices. 

Investments like this exemplify a commitment from the Canadian government & SDTC in order to grow the economy & create job opportunities in the cleantech fields. 

Green Tech Employment Future In Canada 

The employment opportunities for immigrants in the green tech industry are growing. According to a source, the sector employed around 188,000 Canadians in 2021. Another report revealed that as one-quarter of the labor market will experience disruption, the green transition will create around 30 million jobs by 2030. Looking forward, CEC suggests that Canada will witness around 700,000 more energy jobs by 2050. Well, this comes as a gain with respect to clean energy jobs. 

Lastly, establishing the expected job growth in the green tech sector, the report mentioned above states that: 

  • Around half a million individuals will be employed for supplying clean energy in net-zero 2050. 
  • In a net-zero 2050, over 1.3 million Canadians will be recruited in EV-related jobs.