The process of hiring of foreign workers as an employer in Quebec is expedited. This implies that certain professions that employers in Quebec hire for are exempt from the requirement to advertise the position for which they are recruiting foreign workers. 

Generally, the process of temporarily hiring of foreign workers as an employer in Quebec involves a submission of an LMIA. LMIAs are documents employers seek from the government to verify that hiring a foreign national will either have a neutral or positive impact on the labor market. 

Part of this process is ensuring that no Canadians are passed up for the position in favor of a foreign national & that the hired temporary worker will obtain salary & related benefits. 

Note: The salary & benefits earned by the foreign national must meet federal & provincial standards. 

What Is Needed Of Employers in Quebec Seeking To Hire Foreign Nationals? 

Employers in Quebec do not need to prove that they tried hiring permanent residents & Canadian citizens before hiring a temporary worker. Still, Quebec-based employers should make their best efforts to do this. 

Note: Quebec’s facilitated work permit process does not exempt employers from applying for an LMIA. 

In the procedure of hiring of foreign workers as an employer in Quebec, the employers must: 

  • Prove that the recruited individual meets all educational as well as experience requirements, both of job & NOC. 
  • Provide a transition plan.
  • Demonstrate that the recruited employee’s salary is aligned with both provincial & federal standards, along with the wages of Canadians & PRs. 

When comparing the salaries of Canadians & PRs with temporary foreign workers, salaries must be considered by profession & geographical area. 

Note: Under Quebec’s facilitated work permit process, the transition plans are required for the second/ subsequent LMIA applications submitted for the same profession at the exact location. 

Temporary Foreign Worker Program Quebec Pilot Project 

Until December 31, 2024, specific TEER, i.e., Training, Education, Experience, & Responsibilities 4 & 5 professions are also exempt from recruitment & advertising requirements.