Transport professions are one of the five sectors that IRCC prioritizes via Express Entry. To better utilize immigration to address labor market gaps in certain Canadian industries, the nation’s federal government began conducting category-based draws for Express Entry targeted professions. 

Standard Express Entry draws use CRS scores as the primary way of differentiating & ranking applicants against one another. Meanwhile, category-based draws prioritize applicants with specific work experience & skill proficiencies.

Category-based draws are intended to bring in immigrants to help combat labor shortages in five professional categories, i.e., healthcare, trade, transport, STEM professions, & agriculture. 

IRCC’s first-ever category-based Express Entry draw was conducted on June 28 & there have since been four additional category-based draws. The most recent draw took place on September 20, 2023. 

Why Targeted Professions Were Selected As A Targeted Express Entry Category? 

A report by the Toronto Star revealed that Canada’s truck shortage could pose a significant risk to the nation’s economy. 

According to the report, a lack of drivers leads to shipment delays & barren shelves. This is believed to be a contributing factor to the rising prices of goods nationwide. 

Given the influx of recent news across Canada regarding the higher cost of living & the impact that reality is having on Canadians from coast to coast, it makes sense that the government views Express Entry transport professions worthy of focus through Express Entry category-based draws. 

How Many Transport Workers Does Canada Actually Require? 

While reported projections & figures vary depending on the source, Trucking HR Canada reports that between now & 2025, Canada will need to recruit more than 17,000 extra truck drivers every year. 

Well, that’s because Canada’s trucking shortage has been the most poignant concern reported on in the context of the nation’s larger transport industry. 

Moreover, the Toronto Star report also mentions that Canada has a shortage of 20,000 truck drivers & this figure could reach 30,000 in the forthcoming years.

What Opportunities Do Prospective Immigrants Have?

For new Canadian immigrants, this country’s clear requirement for transport occupation workers presents a significant amount of career opportunities for those with experience in these occupations. 

In simpler terms, newcomers who come to Canada via IRCC’s Express Entry category-based draws for transport occupation workers might find plenty of opportunities to build long & rewarding careers in the nation. 

Additionally, Express Entry transport professions tend to pay a competitive wage in the nation, which newcomers and Canadians obtain with rising cost of living. 

As per Statistics Canada data of 2021, the median wage for economic immigrant principal applicants in 2019 was $43,600. Meanwhile, the report cited by the Toronto Star this year indicates that the average hourly wage of a truck driver in Canada is $27.80. 

Thus, transport professions not only offer employment opportunities for new immigrants in Canada, but they also present lucrative wages in tandem. 

History Of Express Entry Draws To Date 

IRCC has issued one round of invitations specifically for Canadian immigration applicants who are eligible for Express Entry because they have qualifying recent work experience in the transport profession. 

This draw was IRCC’s most recent category-based draw for a professional category, which occurred on September 20, 2023. 

During this round of invitations, the immigration department issued 1,000 ITAs for PR in Canada to applicants in Express Entry with a minimum CRS score of 435.

In addition, a month & a half ago, the Globe & Mail published data providing some insight into what percent of this year’s remaining ITAs will be issued to eligible applicants in each occupational group. Specific to transport professions, this IRCC data noted that category-based draws for those with experience working in these professions would account for ‘one to two’ percent of all ITAs given out via Express Entry for the rest of 2023.