After filing their applications to IRCC, family-class immigration applicants frequently see considerable changes in their circumstances. For instance, the sponsor’s financial situation can change, or a new family member might be born. Sponsors and applicants are required to follow IRCC’s prescribed procedures in these and similar situations. This ensures proper management of changes in their circumstances following the submission of their applications. Maintaining the integrity of family class applications is crucial for ensuring a smooth immigration process. Understanding these rules is essential to achieving this goal effectively.

Adding a New Family Member to Your Family Class Application 

Depending on how close the new family member is to the sponsor, there are several steps involved in adding them to an already-existing application.

The sponsor’s dependent child 

In order to add a new dependent kid, sponsors are not obliged to go through the minimum necessary income (MNI) assessment process. Sponsors must, however, keep in mind to pay any additional costs that may be necessary, such as application processing fees. The recently joined family member must also clear any background checks and/or medical requirements.

The MNI assessment determines whether a sponsor has sufficient funds to support the family members they wish to bring to Canada. It evaluates the financial capability of sponsors in meeting their sponsorship obligations.

Newborn Baby 

Applicants under the family class are required to adhere to certain guidelines when they become Canadian permanent residents but before they have given birth to a child. In this case, the applicant may submit a sponsorship application for their infant by paying the child’s necessary processing fee. In addition, in order to add their newborn to the application, the applicant must simultaneously make arrangements for the newborn to receive a medical examination.

Change of Principal Applicant in Sponsorship Applications 

Sponsorship applications may only be changed in cases where the principal applicant is a parent or grandparent, a dependent spouse, or a dependent common-law partner. These changes are uncommon but may become necessary. For example when the primary applicant passes away after the application has been submitted. In such cases, adjustments to the application may be required to reflect the new circumstances.

If this occurs, the surviving spouse or partner may be accepted by the IRCC as the new principal applicant, provided they fulfill the prerequisites to be considered an independent member of the family class, such as being the sponsor’s parent or grandparent. Depending on a compassionate assessment of humanitarian grounds, the sponsor’s stepparents or step-grandparents may also qualify for consideration. These individuals could be eligible for specific exemptions granted at the discretion of IRCC.

What occurs subsequently 

IRCC will get in touch with the sponsor once it has verified that the sponsor is qualified to alter the principal applicant on their sponsorship application. Two forms must be submitted by the sponsor in their revised versions.

  • Generic Application Form for Canada
  • Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking

No additional fees are required for this change in circumstances.

Updates to Sponsorship Application Due to Changes in Circumstances 

If IRCC has concerns about the sponsor’s ability to fulfill their sponsorship obligations, they may opt to temporarily pause the issuance of permanent resident visas. This action is taken to reassess the sponsor’s capacity to meet their responsibilities. It ensures that all sponsorship requirements are adequately met before proceeding with visa issuance. This suspension applies to family members listed in the sponsor’s application. It allows IRCC to reassess the sponsor’s capacity to fulfill their sponsorship responsibilities.

The sponsor’s financial status will be reassessed by IRCC in the event that fresh information is found that suggests the sponsor might no longer meet the income standard. The sponsor will have the chance to provide additional evidence showing they still meet the eligibility criteria as a sponsor. This includes addressing changes such as their financial situation. This opportunity allows them to support their sponsorship application with updated information. This allows them to substantiate their qualifications during the application process.

The sponsor’s income for the 12 months prior to the officer receiving the new information must be supported by evidence. The purpose of this evidence is to determine whether the sponsor’s changed circumstances significantly influence the immigration decision. It aims to assess the material impact of these changes on the sponsorship application.

The IRCC emphasizes that family members will only receive PR visas under the family class if the sponsorship undertaking remains valid. This condition must be met following the reevaluation process.

Updates to Relationship Status for Spouses, Common-Law Partners, and Conjugal Partners 

Applicants and sponsors who experience a change in their relationship status during the application processing procedure are classified into a different family class relationship. This reclassification occurs to accurately reflect their updated status within the sponsorship framework. This includes situations in which partners marry and go from being common-law partners to spouses.

Usually, these modifications do not require a thorough reevaluation of the application. Before their application is approved, sponsors and applicants must inform the IRCC of this status change. This notification is essential because IRCC needs to ensure that the relationship between the sponsor and the applicant is authentic during processing. It also ensures compliance with Canadian law regarding sponsorship requirements.