Five Canadian provinces have invited applicants to apply through PNP draws this week. 

Immigration is a shared responsibility/ commitment between the federal & provincial governments. When a province nominates an applicant through PNP draws, it strengthens the applicant’s application for permanent resident status. Well, this is specifically apt for Express Entry applicants who automatically obtain 600 additional CRS points when nominated. 

Quebec & Nunavut do not use Provincial Nominee Program  for nominating applicants. Quebec has a unique agreement with the federal government in which it has complete autonomy over selecting its economic immigration program. 

PNP Draws Results: August 12-18

Here are the PNP draws results from August 12 to 18. Take a look! 

  • Ontario 

Ontario invited over 5,450 applicants this week in four separate draws, i.e., 

  • Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream
  • Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream
  • Human Capital Priorities Stream
  • Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills Stream 

All three Employer Job Offer draws occurred on August 15. Among them, Ontario invited over 853 international/ foreign students with a score of 61 (min.) & an employment offer in technology, skilled trades, & healthcare. 

In addition, there were also over 375 applicants invited under the Foreign Worker stream, with job offers in health & tech professions having a score of 46. 

The third Employer Job Offer saw 256 skilled applicants with job offers in in-demand skills & scores of 23 or above obtain invitations. These applicants have employment offers in specific in-demand professions, like agriculture, construction, & other selected professions. 

On August 17, Ontario declared that it had invited over 2,835 applicants in the Express Entry Human Capital Priorities stream throughout the week with experience in technology & healthcare occupations with scores of 473 or above. 

  • Saskatchewan 

On August 16, Saskatchewan issued EOIs, i.e., Expressions Of Interest, for the first time since June 8. 

The province held draws for applicants in its Occupation In-Demand & Express Entry streams. However, six draws took place for the first time that depended upon the applicant’s country of residence & profession. In every draw, the province says the selection is to support recruitment initiatives to connect eligible applicants with labor market opportunities.

Under its Express Entry stream, the province invited 23 applicants residing in Ireland, 224 living in India, & 98 residing in Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Slovakia, Germany, & Czechia. 

Similarly, under the professions in demand stream, the province invited 12 applicants residing in Ireland, 207 living in India, & 78 residing in Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Slovakia, Germany, & Czechia. Applicants in every draw required a minimum score of 60. 

  • Quebec

On August 10, Quebec published the results of its most recent round of invitations. In total, the Ministry of Immigration, Francization, & Integration invited over 1,348 applicants to apply for permanent selection. 

Moreover, applicants needed a score of 591 & level 7 oral proficiency in French according to Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes. 

Invitations were also issued to applicants with a valid employment offer outside the territory of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal.

Obtaining an ITA for permanent selection differs from obtaining permanent resident status from IRCC. Applicants who want to gain PR status must still apply separately to IRCC. 

  • British Columbia 

On August 15, British Columbia held four targeted draws for applicants in the Skilled Worker & International Graduate Streams of BC PNP. The most significant draw invited over 107 applicants in tech professions who had a minimum SIRS score of 88. 

The remaining three PNP draws results were: 

  • 19 applicants in healthcare professions 
  • 27 early childhood educators & assistants
  • Less than five applicants in other priority professions 

All applicants needed a minimum score of 60. 

  • Prince Edward Island 

On August 17, PEI invited 142 applicants in two separate streams of PEI PNP. 

The province had invited over 138 applicants in the Labor & Express Entry Stream. These invitations were issued to applicants working for an employer in PEI with a minimum EOI score of 50. Moreover, over the last 12 months, over 97% of all PEI PNP invitations have been issued to Labor as well as Express Entry applicants. 

Furthermore, four invitations were issued to candidates in the Business Work Permit Entrepreneur category/ classification who met the minimum point threshold of 102.