Looking for some part-time jobs in Canada? Don’t go any further! There is no dearth of part-time jobs in Canada for international students; whether one lives in a big city like Toronto or a smaller province, Canadian employers always look for talented and motivated workers who can help the company yield profits. So, if you want to work in Canada, check out this guide’s list of highest-paying part-time jobs!

One of the significant benefits of taking up a part-time job is that it can help you develop skills you can utilize in the long run. In addition, a part-time job in Canada can also offer you numerous opportunities to meet new people and increase your network for better future job prospects.    

So, in this article, we will also look at the top highest-paying part-time jobs in Canada. 

Okay then, let’s get started!


Top Highest-Paying Part-Time Jobs In Canada 

Part-time jobs in Canada can vary depending on your skill, experience, and location. Below is the list of the top part-time jobs you can apply for.

  • Bartender/ Server 

This is the topmost highest-paying part-time job in Canada for foreign students. We won’t deny that these jobs are tiring, but they pay exceptionally well, i.e., $13 per hour. The tips are also standard, i.e., 15% to 20%. Thus, you can actually make a decent amount of money if you are going for this job. 

And the best part? Only minimal training is required to become a bartender. So you can start right away with this job! Isn’t that amazing? 

  • Sales Assistant 

A sales assistant is a part-time lucrative job option for students. These professionals majorly work in retail establishments, selling clothing, groceries, etc. The work is usually stable, and these assistants work in small commissions on sales.

The primary benefit of this type of job is that it provides you with a broad range of transferable skills that can help you build a successful career. After all, sales assistants are known to possess excellent interaction & people skills, and the average hourly pay is $14. 

  • Barista

Working as a barista in a cafe can be a rewarding experience. Many cafe owners look for individuals who have excellent skill sets to bring to the table. The best part about this job is the flexibility that one gets. 

Moreover, if you are a coffee lover, then you are bound to love this part-time job, where the atmosphere is always buzzing! So, if you are interested in pursuing a career as a barista, look for positions that match your interests and skills. 

The average hourly income of a barista is $14 per hour! 

  • Dog Walker 

Dog walking is a budding industry. It is an excellent option for people looking for part-time jobs in Canada. In this job, you will work on-call, so you don’t need to schedule an appointment to take care of the dogs beforehand. 

This implies that you can work whenever you like. There’s no need to stress about scheduling time off from work. This job pays an average of $15 per hour. 

  • Tutor 

Seeking a part-time job to help you make some extra money? If so, consider tutoring! 

Tutoring can be a great fit for people interested in teaching new skills, working with students, offering a flexible schedule, etc. Moreover, it can also lead to additional job opportunities in future. 

Typically, tutors can earn between $30 – $60 per hour. Thus, if this field interests you, contact your local universities/ colleges to inquire about their tutoring services!

  • Delivery/ Ride-Sharing Driver 

Do you love driving and wish to make money from it? Well, here’s your chance! 

Ride-sharing can be a perfect part-time gig. You will drive people in your car and might even pick up/ deliver groceries. You can work flexibly. Thus, it is ideal for college kids who want to earn extra money. 

As per the data offered by Statistic Canada, Uber drivers earn between $17 – $22 an hour. So, it’s a good option to try out! 

  • Freelancer 

Freelancing is an excellent way of earning money while you are studying. It’s flexible, and you can work as little or as much as you want. In addition, you can charge whatever you like for the services you offer. 

There are numerous kinds of freelancing jobs. Therefore, you can find something that fits your skills and interests. 

It’s vital to note that because you are free between classes, it’s best to set aside some daily hours for your job and exam preparations. 

The pay scale in freelancing ranges from $20 – $40. 

  • Writer/ Editor 

Writing/ editing is also one of the highest-paying part-time jobs in Canada. Honestly, this is the only profession where distance isn’t an issue, as you can work from home or take your work on the go! 

For content writing, you will create targeted and specific content, but there are certain areas where you specialize. For instance, you could be a web content writer who produces content in different formats, like video scripts, video descriptions, tweets, etc. The average pay is up to $55 per hour, more than any of the part-time jobs mentioned above! 



So, here we are! These are the highest-paying part-time jobs in Canada for foreign students. If you are looking for work alongside studies, then these jobs are the ones you must apply for. 

Depending upon your existing skills, knowledge, and expertise, you can select a job that interests you, doesn’t burden you, and enables you to earn well!   

Study and work go hand-in-hand. Therefore, you must remember that there are other options to explore as well. So, research well and pick out the best job according to you!