The Newcomer Day in Toronto marks its ninth year. The city of Toronto hosts the event to help newcomers get familiar with their new homes and the settlement services available. 

This event will take place at Nathan Phillips Square and run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Interestingly, this event is open for everyone to attend.

A Toronto City Hall representative asserted that the Newcomer Day in Toronto is a grand event for Torontonians as they feel celebrated & supported in their new residential homes. In addition, to have a more welcoming community for all, the event includes numerous performances, food trucks and a data fair that enhances newcomers’ knowledge of what programs are available. 

Moreover, last year, almost 8,000 people attended the event. A high number of people is expected this year as well!


Newcomer Day In Toronto – Highlights Of The Event 

One of the critical events in Newcomer Day in Toronto is the citizenship ceremony. The representative asserts that almost 40 people will become Canadian citizens during the day. 

In addition, many new events will also take place. For instance, there will be information concerning civic participation in Toronto to encourage civic engagement among newcomers. 

Participants will have the chance to vote on issues significant to them. It is a part of the mock voting exercise. 

However, it is vital to note that this could be beneficial as Toronto will elect a new mayor on June 26. As well, this might be the first time that newcomers will be able to vote in Canada. 

Additionally, many representatives from colleges, career counseling services, language schools, community services, etc., will help newcomers as they settle in the country. 

It is vital to note that there will also be various activities for kids and the Tipi design workshop to help immigrants understand the ingenious history of Canada. In addition, participants will also have a chance to engage in a 30-minute walking tour to witness the neighborhood. The Toronto History Museums lead this tour. 


Immigrants In Toronto 

The newcomers in Canada make up over 23% of the country’s population and Toronto. The information from Census 2021 shows that over 46.6% of the people of Toronto comprises immigrants. Toronto is also home to 15.7% of non-permanent residents in Canada. Moreover, in 2021, 17.6% of Toronto immigrants arrived as refugees. 

A Census Report offered by the City Government shows that women ( trans women, non-binary people, and cisgender women) make up the majority of newcomers in the city. Moreover, it was also found that for the non-immigrant population of Toronto, women made up over 49.9% of the total Canadian immigration population. In contrast, 53.9% of immigrants in Toronto are women. 

Among all the newcomers, 55% of people were born in Asia. The data shows that immigrants’ top three birth countries are China, India, and the Philippines. 

It was also found that in 2021, 52.9% of the population in Toronto was first-generation. This implies that neither of their parents were born in Canada. This is compared to 26.4% of the Canadian population as a whole & 33.7% of the people of Ontario.