There are many reasons to seek ways to make money online in Canada. It can be a continuous form/ kind of passive income or some cool side hustle to bring you some extra bucks home. For instance, you might have a specific goal in mind, like saving for a vacation, trying to get out of debt, etc. Or you might search for something more aligned with your passions & values. 

Irrespective of your intentions, generating income online is a valuable skill for Canadians, given how populated the country can be. Even if you reside in a small town, you can potentially reach millions of consumers online with a touch of a smartphone. 

Well, keeping all things aside, this blog will give you some of the best tips to make money online in Canada. So, without further ado, let us begin!

Top Ways To Make Money In Canada 

Everyone who makes money online in Canada has valuable skills & preferences. However, on average, there are certain opportunities which are more accessible & profitable. 

Learning new technology might seem a bit daunting, but it’s not complex. There are even many ways for students to make money online in Canada. 

Here is the list for the same. Take a look! 

  • Begin An E-Commerce Website 

eCommerce refers to all online money exchanges for products & services. However, most people use it to describe the sale of their products. Even though there are simpler ways to make money online in Canada, selling physical products via a website is still what many individuals think of when they visualize/ envision an online business. 

So, if you think you have or can produce a product that people want, then beginning an eCommerce website might be your best option. You will have a chance to sell products directly to consumers with no middlemen. 

Well, this implies that you have to take a heavy share of responsibilities, which include: 

  • Creating a website to host your products
  • A merchant account to accept payments
  • Logistics strategy, i.e., a way to accept orders & deliver products to consumers 
  • A place to house all your products
  • A marketing strategy so people are aware of what you are selling & why you must purchase it
  • Find Freelance Jobs 

Freelancing is an excellent alternative if you enjoy working on multiple projects. You can freelance for any skill – writing, graphic designing, development, photography, etc. Moreover, you do not need to commit to any single project for too long. 

Freelancing is a proven way to earn cash & creating an entirely new career. For instance, if your goal is to make a full-time living as a freelancer, you’ll likely need to secure numerous gigs. 

One can not help you cover the cost of living. This means that you need to develop a system for finding leads, learn how to create cold pitches, & understand & recognize the opportunities to work outside the regular channels. 

Well, freelancing is fun & gives you a degree of control over your own time. But you will still be working with deadlines that must be met. So, I don’t think your days would primarily be free. 

Thus, time management is the key & it’s also essential to stay resilient enough to keep pushing through the months when cheques aren’t piling up. 

  • Begin A YouTube Channel 

This is the boldest of all the ways to make money online in Canada! 

You can’t be afraid of criticism if you decide to begin your YouTube channel. Before starting it, you need to have some technical know-how & most importantly, you need to be consistent. 

That said, YouTubers make a decent income. And you don’t require a charismatic personality to get there. Even kids & students can make money like this!

But before you go out & purchase a fancy camera & other equipment, take a step back! The most crucial step in beginning a YouTube channel is to know why, in the first place, you are beginning it. 

Once you know it, you will be able to create content accordingly. For instance, you’d know what your videos will be about & for whom you will be creating them! YouTube is a highly saturated platform. Even if you think the videos are niche, thousands of videos are likely already available on the topic. 

So, think about what differentiates you from others & then go on to create content which will offer you views & money. 

  • Teach English Online

Giving online classes in English is a recent side hustle. Before the online platforms popped up, teachers would go to the city, town, or country to give lessons. While this is still an option, teaching online has become quite popular. 

What makes teaching online appealing is the low point of entry. All that’s needed for you is to be a fluent English speaker & have a university degree (in some cases). 

Once this is established, all you have to do is find the right platform to begin! And you must know that there are many platforms for this!   

  • Sell Stock Photos Online 

Photographers must not feel discouraged that anyone with a smartphone can be a photographer. Instead, be excited! 

Today, businesses & influencers are looking for more and more content & most content pieces need images to go along with it. Well, if you are just starting out, you need to focus on two things, i.e., 

  • Finding Your Niche

As a photographer, you need to have a consistent style. There has to be something that clients & your audience expect from your photos. For instance, it’s best to stick to whichever genre you select, i.e., travel, nature, fashion, wildlife, etc. 

This way, you will have an element or unique characteristic that your clients & audience will look forward to! 

  • Building Your Audience 

Exposure is the key & this is online Instagram & Facebook will be your best friends. 

Be consistent in how much you post & do some hashtag research to ensure you reach the right audience. In addition, if you’d change your Instagram account to a business account, you’ll have people who will purchase images directly from your stream. 

Monetizing comes after your brand has been established. Thus, selling photos can be tricky, but once you get the right platform, there’s no looking back. 

  • Begin A Niche Blog & Leverage Affiliate Marketing 

Blogging is no longer a simple act of typing up a few thoughts that come to your mind & publishing them. Many people now turn to blogs to find answers to questions, guides to acquiring new skills, seeking product recommendations, etc. 

While there are numerous ways to monetize blog traffic, one of the efficacious, trendiest, & easiest ways is affiliate marketing. 

Affiliate marketing implies promoting the products & services of different companies in exchange for a commission for the sales you generate. 

Today, many companies have affiliate marketing programs & commission rates vary from 1% to 50%. Thus, the key concept is finding the blogging niche with numerous topics to write about & relevant products that you can promote. 

Wrapping Up! 

The Internet is the realm of infinite possibilities when it comes to making money online. 

Some entrepreneurs feel stifled by putting adequate time into planning. This is why it is best to think of your business as a series of steps & milestones that guide you along your way. You can go on many alternate routes, but if you get lost, you can always return to the original pathway. 

So, now that you know how to make money online in Canada, you can start right away & create a passive income or make your passion a full-time income source. Tell us in the comments below which tip you liked the most!