Canada is one of the leading destinations regarding education, healthcare, job opportunities, etc. However, knowing some interesting facts about Canada will help you know the country a bit better. 

We are sure that you won’t be aware of the facts which we will be discussing here. So grab your notebooks & get ready to have your mind blown as you learn these facts!

Interesting Facts About Canada That Will Blow Your Mind 

If you are traveling to Canada, it’s a good idea to get to know a few fun facts so that you don’t feel alienated in the country. 

So, let us begin!

  • Canada is the top donut consumer in the world

Canadians love donuts. There are over 30 million people living in Canada who consume over one billion donuts annually. 

  • Drink a toe in Dawson City, Yukon 

There is a cocktail in Yukon where people drink whisky with a human toe inside. It’s called the Sour Toe Cocktail. People donate their toes, which have fallen due to frostbite or some other means. In addition, there is a $2,500 fine if you swallow the toe.   

However, when people swallow the two, samaritans donate newly severed toes to drink. 

  • Screeching in Newfoundland 

Another one of the top interesting facts about Canada is the strange tradition of kissing a fish. Yes, you heard that right!

There is a tradition of kissing the dead cod followed by a shot of rum known as a screech. When you visit the province, enjoy the hospitality of the place at a bar & be sure to kiss the cod! 

  • Nobody lock their doors in Manitoba  

In the far north town of Churchill, nobody locks the doors of their houses or cars in case of a polar bear attack. 

Churchill is located at the center of the Polar Bear Alley & polar bears walk freely through the town towards Hudson Bay. 

Canadians in Manitoba have learned to live peacefully with polar bears.  

Here’s another fact – Churchill is known as the polar bear capital of the world!

  • Canada is confused

Being a part of the British Commonwealth, Canada is influenced by Britain. But being a neighbor of the United States also influences Canada, i.e., it is influenced by both Britain & the US. 

Interestingly, Canada uses the metric system as well as the imperial system of weight & measurement. Most people understand imperial systems. But they tend to mix both systems for measurement & weight. 

  • Canada uses the British English System 

Another fact regarding Canada is that they can’t make up their minds when it comes to spelling. For instance, Canadians spell ‘color’ with ‘U’ in it, i.e., colour. In addition, theaters, meters, etc., are spelled as ‘theatre’, ‘metre’, etc.    

However, the nation has also adopted American spelling. Due to this, they are always confused!

  • Canadians Put Milk In Bags 

Canadians do not drink milk a lot. Still, they store it in bags. This is a norm for almost all Canadians to drink the milk out of the bags. 

  • Canada is at war 

Canada has an ongoing land dispute with Denmark & it’s serious! 

Both nations have been fighting over an island in the Arctic since the 1930s. The two nations battle it out by putting a bottle of Canadian rye whiskey on the Danish side, & the Danes leaving a bottle of Danish schnapps on Canada’s side to stake their claim.

  • The Apology Act Law 

Canadians apologize so much that the nation passed the apology act, implying that one can express sympathy or regret. 

You must note that the law does not include an implied admission of fault/ liability by the person in connection with the matter. But it does mean showing sympathy or regret. 

  • You cannot kill a Sasquatch in BC

Bigfoot is legally protected in Canada. 

In the 1800s, a man sought permission to kill ‘the wild man of the home lake’. The government’s response was a firm no, as shooting Sasquatch, also known as Mowglis, is illegal. 

  • Smelling bad is illegal in Canada 

Anyone offending a public place with a foul smell could face around two years in jail. This is actually an excellent law if you ask us!

  • Great maple syrup heist 

The Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist was national news in 2012 when a person stole over 3000 tons of maple syrup in Quebec valued at $18 million. 

Maple syrup is a big business in Canada. The nation produces over 80% of the world’s maple syrup. 

  • Canada has two official languages 

Canada has two official languages, i.e., Quebec is a French-speaking province & New Brunswick has a large Francophone population too!

The rest of Canada speaks English. However, French is taught in schools & signs in the nation too are bilingual. 

  • Not everyone in Canada speaks French 

Contrary to its popular belief, most Canadians are not bilingual. The nation is quite separated when it comes to French & English-speaking regions. 

  • Life expectancy 

The average life expectancy of Canadians is 81 years old. Not bad, right? 


So, these were some interesting facts about Canada.  

Canada is a land of fascinating facts. From its breathtaking, panoramic landscapes to stunning northern lights to diverse cultures & backgrounds, the nation has something to offer everyone. 

The intriguing tidbits which we shared are some of the top ones. There are many more things about Canada to explore!

Tell us in the comments below which fact was new to you!