IRCC unveils advanced analytics to expedite spousal sponsorship applications under family class immigration by integrating advanced analytics and automated technology. Two cutting-edge tools have been created by the department to improve various parts of the sponsorship application procedure. This action is part of IRCC’s efforts to decrease wait times. It aims to increase processing effectiveness for partner and spouse immigration applications.

The implementation of these cutting-edge analytics technologies represents a significant step in expediting the application process. It aims to provide applicants with a quicker and more effective experience.

IRCC’s New Advanced Analytics to Expedite Spousal Sponsorship Applications

All spouse and partner applications within the family class category will be subject to the recently implemented processing measures. This was stated in the notification published by the IRCC.  Applications for sponsorship from spouses, common-law partners, and conjugal partners fall under this category. Moreover, for applicants in the family class, this will mean a faster and more organized immigration procedure. This is made possible by the use of automated technological tools and advanced analytics in application processing.

IRCC Outlines Implementation Strategy for New Spousal Sponsorship Tools

Applications for spouse and partner sponsorship are divided into two sections. The principal applicant section involves the spouse or partner requesting sponsorship by the Canadian resident. The sponsorship section entails a citizen or permanent resident of Canada seeking to sponsor their spouse or partner.

Every step of this procedure will have a new tool that IRCC aims to implement. These tools will utilize officer-developed rules that have been improved by machine learning from previous applications.

In an effort to shorten processing delays at this point, IRCC will use its first automation tool to find instances that can be “automatically approved” for the sponsorship portion of the application. IRCC officers will manually examine applications that are not automatically accepted.

Furthermore, the IRCC will use the second tool to perform an initial eligibility analysis for the principal applicant portion. The purpose of this tool is to process regular applications by first evaluating the eligibility of the principal applicant before sending the file to an IRCC officer for admissibility assessment. An IRCC officer will manually assess the application if the technology is unable to automatically validate eligibility.

The IRCC highlights that an immigration officer who is reviewing applications still has the authority to grant final approval; the automation tools utilized in both phases cannot do so. Furthermore, it is not permissible for these tools to reject applications or suggest rejecting applications.

The Future of Spousal Sponsorship Processing with IRCC’s New Technology

The International Committee of the Red Cross (IRCC) reiterated in the notice announcing the launch of these new tools its dedication to the responsible use of “data-driven technologies” in compliance with privacy regulations and human rights protection. To this aim, in order to assess how these new tools would affect application processing, the department has finished an Algorithmic Impact Assessment (AIA). The AIA determined the impact level to be “moderate.” The department pledged to take further steps to “mitigate possible risks.”

The IRCC’s prior use of technology and artificial intelligence in the processing phase provides some insights, even though it is now too early to assess the entire impact of these new processing measures. Former Immigration Minister Sean Fraser stated in 2023 that artificial intelligence (AI) has been used in the processing of applications for spousal temporary residence visas (TRVs). As a result, 98% of applications were completed in a mere 30 days. According to this previous implementation, the new tools could also greatly improve the processing efficiency of partner and spousal sponsorship applications.