In response to an increase in asylum claimants from Mexico, Mexican citizens now require a visa to visit Canada temporarily.

This change will be in effect starting February 29, 2024. Previously, all Mexican citizens were eligible to obtain electronic travel authorization to enter Canada. 

Who Requires A Visitor Visa? 

All Mexican citizens now require a visa to visit Canada. However, they need to meet all three of the following criteria: 

  • They are entering Canada by air or flying to Canada to transit to another destination.
  • They are visiting Canada for a short-term visit.
  • They have either held a Canadian visitor visa in the last ten years or a valid US non-immigration visa at the time of their application & travel. 

Note that temporary resident visas include visitor, work, & study permit-related visas. 

Mexican travelers to Canada must also be mindful that if they had an eTA before 11:30 p.m. EST on February 29, 2024, it would be canceled & they will need to apply for a new permit. If these individuals are no longer eligible for an eTA after the new changes are implemented, they will now need to apply for a visitor visa. 

How Do These Changes Affect Mexicans Already In Canada As Visitors? 

Visitors are temporary residents in Canada who do not have a study/ work permit associated with their stay. These individuals will continue to be enabled to stay in Canada for the duration they were previously approved for. 

However, their eTAs will be canceled. Suppose these visitors wish to re-enter Canada upon leaving. In that case, they will need to apply for a visitor visa or a new eTA if they meet all the above eligibility criteria.   

How Do These Changes Impact Mexicans Already In Canada On A Work/ Study Permit? 

As all Mexican citizens now require a visa to visit Canada, citizens already in Canada on a study/ work permit will not have their eTAs canceled. These individuals will retain their previous eTA & might continue to travel on it if the document is valid. ‘’If these individuals were applying for a new work or study permit, they would automatically be issued a visa or eTA when their work or study permit was approved. They won’t need to apply separately for a visa or eTA. 

Note: In all illustrations, an eTA is for air travel only. Even if applicants have a valid eTA, they will need a valid visitor visa if they plan to travel to Canada by car, bus, boat, or train. 

What Can Mexican Citizens Do If They Had A Valid Study/ Work Permit At The Time Of The Change, But Their eTA Was Still Canceled? 

These individuals might be eligible to have their eTAs reactivated. In order to find out if this is the case, they can: 

  • Send a web form request to IRCC
  • Complete all required fields
  • Include the code ‘EMVR2024’ in the text box

If these individuals aren’t eligible to have their eTA reactivated, they will be required to submit a new eTA or visitor visa application based on the new requirements.