The Canadian government launched the new design of passports on May 10. It is now undertaking the renewal of passports online to simplify the process starting in the fall. 

A declaration received from IRCC, Sean Fraser, revealed that eligible Canadians will now be able to upload necessary documents & photos online in order to secure the government website. 

Note: Canada extended the list of consumers in March 2022 who were eligible for renewal of passports. 

As of May 2023, the groups mentioned below can take advantage of Canada’s upcoming online process of renewal of passports. 

  • People with expired passports issued in the last 15 years. 
  • People with passports that were stolen, damaged, or lost. 

Simply put, the distinction between the simplified renewal of passports & a standard renewal process is the documents required. 

While the standard process of renewal of passports requires candidates to provide original documents, simplified renewal systems only need the following: 

  • Applicable fees 
  • Completed forms 
  • Two photos 
  • Two references  

However, IRCC hopes that the online system will make the passports quicker & easier to process. Moreover, new passport candidates must use the government’s traditional application process via Service Canada. 

Benefits Of Having A Canadian Passport

Passports are known as travel documents. But, in reality, these identification documents are indeed much more than just something you show at the airport when going on a trip & returning. 

  • Entry Into 185 Nations Without A Visa 

A 2022 report by Henley & Partners shows that Canadian passport holders can enter 185 nations without a visa. This implies that people with a Canadian passport have some of the best levels of access to other countries globally without having to go through the process of procuring a visa of any kind. 

  • Easy Maintenance Canadian & Home Passport

Canada allows dual citizens to hold their Canadian passports as they were offered from their home country. Presuming that their home nation also provides for this, dual Canadian citizens can carry as many passports as they are eligible for!

  • Benefits of Canadian Citizenship 

Getting a Canadian passport does not make you eligible for citizenship. Even if you receive one, it is now because you are a Canadian citizen. Obtaining a passport from Canada implies that you can now enjoy all the rights and freedom as someone born in the country. 

For instance, one of the prominent rights offered to Canadian citizens is the right to vote in elections.   

Moreover, citizens of Canada also benefit from amazing job opportunities, consisting of some that are not even available to Canadians of other statuses, i.e., temporary residents, permanent inhabitants, etc.