IRCC is streamlining the process of the Passport Pilot Program for new Canadians. Herein, IRCC will invite 100 citizen grant applications to apply for passports during citizenship processing. The procedure of the passport pilot program implements a new, streamlined passport application form which utilizes data already collected via the citizenship program. Once the applications are processed, the passports will be printed by IRCC to redirect traffic from ESDC offices. 

IRCC expects the pilots to simplify the Passport Pilot Program process to pave the way for an integrated model in future. 

Some of the invitations have already been sent via mail to eligible applicants. These emails offer information on filling out the passport application, other required documents, & where to send the application.    

Once the applicants complete their citizenship oath & IRCC obtains the passport application, the passport will be processed within 20 business days.

Background Of The Passport Pilot Program

The objective of the passport pilot program is to determine the feasibility of linking the passport & citizenship programs. IRCC plans on training IRCC citizenship staff members on the passport line of business to help relieve the pressure on the passport renewal process & to enable streamlined access to Canadian passports for new Canadians.  

In 2022, there were extended processing times for both the passport as well as citizenship programs, which prevented both programs from meeting established standards of service. Although major progress has been made in reducing the application inventory, new citizens will still experience delays in both programs.

The result of the passport pilot program will be assessed to develop the integrated citizenship & passport model. Suggestions & recommendations for broader roll out will be made by the end of December 2023. 

What Is The Eligibility Criteria For Canadian Citizenship? 

To be eligible to become a Canadian citizen, you should meet the following criteria:    

  • Be a permanent resident
  • Meet the physical presence requirements of Canada
  • Pass a Canadian citizenship test
  • File your taxes
  • Prove your language capability 

To meet Canada’s physical presence requirements, you should reside in the nation for at least three years out of five before applying for citizenship. 

In addition, if you have resided in Canada as a temporary inhabitant or protected person before becoming a permanent residency, you might use some of that time towards your physical presence requirement. Every day you spend in Canada as a temporary inhabitant/ protected person in the last five years can be counted as a half day. Moreover, you can use a maximum of 365 days as a temporary inhabitant/ protected person towards your physical presence requirement. 

Furthermore, candidates who complete the citizenship test & pass the interview will be invited to a citizenship ceremony. At the ceremony, the candidates are asked to sing the Canadian national anthem & say the Citizenship Oath in French/ English before the judge. Once complete, they will be given their Canadian citizenship.