Certain settlement services are available to international students studying in Canada through a variety of organizations in their home province or territory. These services are provided by a variety of providers, each of whom has unique regulations, requirements for eligibility, and services to offer, and are accessible in all Canadian provinces and territories. It’s critical to realize that local service providers, as opposed to federal government restrictions, usually decide the particulars of each organization’s services, including who is qualified for them. Discover the top free settlement services for international students in Canada.

Top 5 Places to Find Settlement Services for International Students in Canada 

In Canada, international students can benefit from a wide range of helpful tools and settlement services that can help them with different parts of their new life. These services include job seeking, integrating into the local community, accessing government services such as healthcare, and language instruction.

Here are five organizations that provide these essential settlement services for international students:

Action for Healthy Communities 

A4HC, an English and French multilingual center in Edmonton, Alberta, offers services in two languages with the express purpose of assisting international students. They provide a wide range of support via customized one-on-one meetings, interesting group activities, and planned courses. With the goal of enhancing their academic performance and general well-being while they are studying in Canada, these services are specifically designed to fulfill the needs of international students.

Services of A4HC 

A4HC offers a wide range of services grouped into eight primary support areas. To access comprehensive details about the particular products offered in each category, kindly click on the provided links to visit their webpage:

  • Knowledge about life in Canada: A4HC helps international students navigate and understand various aspects of Canadian life.
  • Health and wellbeing: They offer support and resources to promote the physical and mental wellbeing of students.
  • Housing: Assistance is available to help students find suitable housing options in Edmonton.
  • Income supports: A4HC provides guidance on accessing financial supports and managing personal finances.
  • Banking: They offer information and assistance related to banking services in Canada.
  • Personal growth/capacity development: Programs are designed to help students develop personal skills and capabilities.
  • English language training: A4HC supports students in improving their English language proficiency.
  • Computer training and financial literacy: They offer training in computer skills and financial literacy to enhance student knowledge and capabilities.

Furthermore, A4HC offers advice on:

  • They provide assistance with employment, self-employment, and starting a business.
  • A4HC helps students understand the educational system and supports skill development.
  • They facilitate community involvement, resource fairs, and participation in events.
  • A4HC promotes opportunities for social and cultural networking among students.
  • They encourage volunteering and organize community field trips.
  • A4HC provides guidance on navigating family dynamics.
  • They also support specialized projects and offer regional assistance as needed.

The student’s Designated Learning Institution 

Via their designated learning institution (DLI), all international students have access to a range of support and settlement services, from workshops to well-organized social events. It’s critical to understand that not all DLIs in Canada offer the same support and settlement services.

Note: In Canada, DLIs are the only kind of post-secondary institutions that are able to accept foreign students. It is imperative that incoming and prospective international students confirm that the school of their choice is legitimately recognized in Canada as a Designated Learning Institution.

Services provided by a Designated Learning Institution

  • Assistance understanding banking in Canada, including information on banks and credit unions, distinctions between credit and debit cards, and advice on potential pitfalls.
  • Guidance on future immigration pathways for international students.
  • Information regarding the legal rights of international students.
  • Support in exploring opportunities to engage in community activities and initiatives.


WoodGreen, which has five sites in Toronto, Ontario, provides a variety of services specifically designed to assist international students with their settlement. They offer links to community programs, help with immigration queries, and support in obtaining necessary services.

WoodGreen helps immigrants obtain housing, healthcare, education, and legal aid, among other essential services for relocating to Toronto. Their all-encompassing assistance seeks to promote international students’ wellbeing and community integration.

Services provided by WoodGreen

WoodGreen offers a wide array of services to support international students, including:

  • Assistance in accessing essential services such as employment, healthcare, housing, education, training, and legal aid.
  • Guidance and answers to immigration questions related to citizenship, permanent residency, and work permits.
  • Support with applying for government benefits to help students navigate financial assistance programs.
  • Connection to community programs aimed at fostering integration and providing recreational activities.
  • Language training to improve English proficiency and facilitate communication in daily life and academic settings.

Mosaic British Columbia 

Through the BCSIS program, Mosaic British Columbia provides support to foreign students in Burnaby and Vancouver, British Columbia. They offer vital services such resources catered to the need of international students, programs for integration, and help with settlement. These programs provide advice on housing, work, language proficiency, and community integration with the goal of easing the transfer into Canadian academic and social situations. When it comes to improving the success and general experience of international students studying in British Columbia, Mosaic BC is essential.

Services provided by Mosaic 

  • Referrals for assistance and services, such as help with visa applications.
  • Job hunting, internet applications, preparing a CV and cover letter, and job interviews are all covered in coaching and guidance for employment.
  • Social activities are facilitated to promote community involvement.
  • Workshops designed to comprehend and investigate routes to long-term residency.
  • Access to seminars with outside speakers with a range of expertise.
  • Aid in obtaining government services, such as support for healthcare.

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy

CBAL, based in Invermere, British Columbia (B.C. ), serves sixteen communities within the region. They do offer some support in French, however English is the primary language in which their services are provided. CBAL is a company that specializes in providing international students in British Columbia with a variety of settling services. They point out that, upon request, in-person or virtual one-on-one services can be provided in French. Furthermore, CBAL assists consumers in need of French-language services by facilitating referrals to neighboring agencies. Their all-encompassing strategy is to assist foreign students in successfully negotiating British Columbia’s settlement hurdles.

Services provide by CBAL

  • Personalized assistance in navigating local services and obtaining information.
  • Conducting needs assessments, setting goals, and providing referrals for individuals or families.
  • Support with banking, housing, accessing healthcare, school registration for children, legal services, and other essential tasks.
  • Guidance on employment processes and adapting to Canadian workplace norms.
  • Assistance with filling out forms and completing applications.
  • Facilitating connections to social, cultural groups, and community programs.
  • Administering English language assessments.
  • Offering formal and informal English-language training both online and in-person.