While most of the settlement services provided by IRCC are only accessible to protected individuals and permanent residents, temporary foreign workers (TFWs) can still avail themselves of some settlement services from Canadian provinces and territories. Despite their temporary status, these regional initiatives aim to support TFWs by ensuring they have access to essential services while in the country. This ensures TFWs can meet their basic needs and navigate their stay effectively. Discover the top resources for temporary foreign workers settling in Canada.

Note: All Canadian provinces and territories offer settlement services through a variety of providers, each with their own regulations, requirements for eligibility, and services offered.

Eligibility for IRCC’s settlement services 

The standards established by each service provider usually establish eligibility for settlement services. Federal settlement services may be available to some temporary residents of Canada, as per IRCC. The IRCC observes that the requirements for TFWs seeking settlement services financed by the IRCC are not the same as those for services provided by non-profits, privately funded groups, and service providers with provincial or local funding.

Top 5 Organizations Offering Settlement Services for Foreign Workers in Canada 

In Canada, resources and critical settlement services are available to temporary foreign workers (TFWs) with varying needs. These consist of teaching languages, helping people get the licenses or certificates needed for work, supporting people with their job searches, and helping people integrate into their communities.

Here are five organizations that provide valuable resources which TFWs can utilize to aid their settlement in Canada:

Supporting Temporary Foreign Workers – Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto 

With its main office located in Toronto, Ontario, and three satellite locations throughout Toronto and North York, NEW is a specialist organization providing newcomer services with an emphasis on supporting women. NEW provides complete help to temporary foreign workers (TFWs) in Ontario. It offers services in eight languages: Arabic, Farsi, Mandarin, Bengali/Bangla, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, and Spanish. Their services cover a wide range of assistance, such as classes in English, help navigating government systems, aid getting ready for citizenship exams, and help obtaining basic necessities including housing, work, healthcare, and education. TFWs benefit greatly from NEW’s commitment to offering multicultural and multilingual support, enabling them to adapt and thrive in their new environment. This dedicated support ensures TFWs can navigate cultural differences and settle effectively into their new surroundings.

CCI Ottawa 

CCI Ottawa, which is situated in Ottawa, Ontario, provides a wide range of settlement services designed to aid temporary foreign workers (TFWs) in adjusting to life and employment in Canada. Among their services is helping TFWs apply for and receive the required paperwork, including work permits and health cards. Although CCI Ottawa doesn’t finish paperwork or applications on behalf of customers, they do offer helpful advice and assistance all along the way. Furthermore, the group organizes monthly workshops aimed at equipping TFWs with essential information and skills required for the citizenship test. These workshops are designed to prepare TFWs thoroughly for the challenges of the citizenship test.

In addition to providing administrative support, CCI Ottawa works to improve the standard of living for TFWs residing in Ottawa. To ensure that TFWs can obtain comfortable housing, they provide information on tenant rights and services to assist in finding acceptable home. For personal and settlement-related issues, counseling services are offered. Moreover, workshops and activities are designed for young people, ages 15 to 25, and they promote social interaction and community integration. CCI Ottawa also offers valuable advice and support to TFWs to help them settle into life in Ottawa. This ensures they can effectively adapt to and thrive in their new environment.

Mosaic British Columbia 

Under the British Columbia Settlement and Integration Services (BCSIS) program, Mosaic British Columbia, with locations in Vancouver and Burnaby, British Columbia, offers essential assistance and information to temporary foreign workers (TFWs) regarding a range of immigration and settlement-related topics. Moreover, the organization’s primary goal is to make it easier for TFWs to obtain the resources and assistance they need to successfully integrate into Canadian society.

Services of Mosaic

  • Personalized settlement assistance tailored to individual needs.
  • Assistance in addressing workplace issues specifically for temporary foreign workers (TFWs).
  • Educational workshops covering a range of topics.
  • English conversation circles to improve language skills.
  • Workshops focusing on computer literacy, understanding renter’s rights, and accessing essential resources such as healthcare and community programs.
  • Guidance in obtaining financial aid and accessing government assistance.
  • Social events designed to foster community connection.
  • Emergency support services including access to food, hygiene products, and other essentials as needed.

Richmond Multicultural Community Services 

With its headquarters in Richmond, British Columbia, RMCS offers full support for temporary foreign workers (TFWs) by providing settlement services in 15 different languages. The organization meets the unique needs of people relocating to Canada by providing them with relevant and useful information on a range of important subjects. In order to support TFWs in need of support and direction, RMCS provides its services in the following languages: English, Greek, Arabic, Punjabi, Japanese, Urdu, Vietnamese, Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Farsi, and French.

Services of RMCS

  • Support in navigating government services.
  • Aid in crafting resumes and cover letters.
  • Information regarding employment opportunities and job market trends.
  • Guidance on healthcare services.
  • English conversation classes for language proficiency improvement.
  • Resources and advice on housing and education options.
  • Assistance with applications for permanent residence and renewals.
  • Information on sponsoring family members for immigration.
  • Help with income tax preparation.
  • Support in accessing subsidies and financial assistance programs.
  • Guidance and assistance with applications for employment insurance, visas, and passports.

CSS Alberta 

With locations in Red Deer and Edmonton, Alberta, CSS Alberta offers specialized one-on-one services in many languages to serve TFWs. Their services include a variety of vital tools meant to help TFWs settle in and integrate into their new communities. To help TFWs become acquainted with their new environment, CSS Alberta provides extensive information. This includes advice on how to obtain healthcare, find housing, and make sure children’s educational needs are satisfied. Additionally, they help with deciphering a variety of paperwork and applications, providing clarification on procedures to expedite TFWs’ settlement process.

Furthermore, CSS Alberta facilitates the integration of immigrants with cultural and religious communities, establishing a sense of acceptance and support systems that are essential for acclimating to Canadian culture. They provide guidance on pathways to permanent residence, ensuring that TFWs have the information and assistance necessary to explore their options in Canada. This helps TFWs understand and navigate the process of obtaining permanent resident status.